Hi, I had a baby boy three and a half weeks ago, I decided I would be breastfeeding him from the get go. Well things went okay for a few days but then my b*****s were getting engourged and I felt he wasnt eating enough and I was constantly worried about him, then to top it off my c section incision got infected and I had to go back to the hospital for two days. I did nothing but cry and sob for a week. It was just so hard for me, He was eating every hour and a half and he would eat for at least 30 minutes and then he would need a diaper change and then he would cry and by the time he fell asleep I would have to feed him again in a half hour...I know breastfeeding takes a ton of commitment and I know its very hard especially in the beginning but I just couldnt do it...I feel like a total failure and I felt like a horrible mom for feeding him formula. He has been on forumla now for a week and a half and he is doing wonderful on it but I still feel guilty about it...is it just "baby blues" or did anyone else feel like this? Everywhere I look, like on the internet or parenting magazines it is all about breastfeeding and I just feel like people will think bad of me for bottle feeding..are these normal feelings for me to have and did anyone else feel like this?