
I fell a sleep with my contacts in...?

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I feel asleep last night with my contacts in. I have had my contacts for about a month,2weeks trail 2 weeks real, and my sister threw away my contacts guide. HOW DO I TAKEOUT MY CONTACTS AFTER I SEPT WITH THEM IN?...Plz Help!!!




  1. My mother doesn't remove her contacts unless she changes them.

  2. you take them out the same as before

    if hard lenses pull your eye to the side (stretch the skin) and blink when your hand is over so your contact comes out into your hand

    if you have soft lenses you drag down and pinch out the same as before

    and use eye drops to help if they r stiff

    you can get them from any optician / chemist

  3. I did that once, when i woke up everything looked misty bacause they had gone dry on my eyes. Just take them out the normal way. You will be fine, trust me! :)

  4. Dont worry about i fall asleep with mine all the time.. I mean is not good for you to do that but is Before you take them off in the morning make sure to put eye drops in to moist them up first b.c if you dont you can rip the cantacts..

  5. Its not recommended that you fall asleep in contact lenses, on the odd occasion that it may happen you need need to use a wetting drop to rehydrate the eye and lens. If you have none available to you do not try and remove the lens straight away. As you are sleeping the lens crystallizes to the front surface of the eye (cornea). You will need to wait for the eye to naturally rehydrate itself before removing, you can tell by gliding the lens off the iris. It it moves easily remove in the normal fashion. There are certain contact lenses which are designed for night and day wear, you can ask your optometrist about these. Just make sure not to make it a habit of sleeping in contacts that are not designed to, there are risks involved.

  6. the same way if you didn't sleep with them in... i've slept with mine in plenty of times (on accident...or just laziness) ... sometimes they may be a little dry... so add some rewetting drops or wait for you eyes to get moist... they should just come right out... either slide them to the corner until they come out or pinch them and pull off...

  7. You should have got refresher drops for your contacts while they are in - put in a couple of drops and you will be fine.  Furthermore, I have fallen asleep in my contacts before and took them out the next day without the drops.  Two week contacts are good for two weeks when you take them out at night or they are good for one day if you leave them in - don't worry about it, just don't make a habit of it...

  8. Use eye drops, one drop in each eye, to get them rehydrated and make it a little easier to get them out.   If you can't, you can try "floating" them out by adding several drops at the corner of your eye.  It that doesn't get them to shift, then a call to the doctor is in order.  Once you get your contacts out, put them in the disinfecting solution and leave them in the container for today.  You will need to revert to your glasses to give your eyes a break, and you may be a little light sensitive as well- sunglass in that case are needed.  After a full day's break, you can wear them again, though you may have trouble getting them in tomorrow and need to wait another day or so.  If you can't get them out on your own, and the eye doctor isn't available, go to the ER.  Somebody there will do it for you- though that will be an expensive lesson.  Take the contacts case with you and the solution for them, they will try to save them if they can.

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