
I fell during my 200m race why!! i didnt trip or anything grrrr help!?

by  |  earlier

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the gun went off and i sprinted as hard as i could i was way ahead of everyone. but then i was running my hardest and i didnt trip i just all the suden fell to my knee slid on it then slid on my arm. =[ it was so embarasing and i came in last! gaa im so mad at myself b/c i was doing so well up to then why did i fall!? i didnt get a sudden pain or trip i just colapsed?

how can i make sure this doesnt happen again!




  1. maybe you were leaning too far over? Not really sure....hmm. If that is the case then try to keep tabs on how far you lean over. If you find your self leaning over then slow down a tad and readjust.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.

  2. It is difficult to say why you fell without seeing you.

    Some people trip and fall because as they tire they start to scuff their feet while the foot is going forward, this causes the spikes to catch on the ground.

    It is important to maintain your form and relax on the 200.

    You can keep your speed without trying to run faster.

    If you try to increase your speed after you are already running at top speed you will slow down because  you tense up.

    The sprinters running motion is to have the foot strike the ground in a pawing motion, coming back at the same speed you are moving forward.

    The most likely thing that happened was your foot hit the ground while it was still going forward.

    When you practice running and doing strides concentrate on your form, standing up tall, relaxing and keeping your stride smooth.

  3. i fell during a 400m race one time last year. it was because i thought i could run faster than my legs would take me. so i went back and looked at my training and i found that i hadn't trained for 400m i only was trained to run 300 which was where i fell. as crazy as it sounds you might have been running faster than your legs could take you. it is probably a conditioning problem. make sure your muscles are conditioned to run the whole 200m at that pace. your body will only take you where you train it to go. lift weights for strength and run 200's and some 300's or 250's at practice.

    aside from that after i fell i was real cautious when i was running the 400m again just to make sure i didn't fall again. make sure your mind knows your bodies limits.

    hope you beat everybody at your next race.

    make sure you check your form, but the ppl  who answered before me got it for you.

  4. lol that happened to me once when I was young. My legs just gave out. I wasn't condtioned enough to sprint the entire race. maybe go a tiny bit slower at the beginning so you'll be able to sprint through the finish line and see if that helps. you can also do strength exercises like plyometrics and good old squats and lunges so your legs won't tire so quickly

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