
I fell for him, he thinks I'm a liar, what do I do?

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I've known this guy for a while but we never got to know one another on a personal level and We have a couple mutual friends. We started seeing each other exclusively for about two months. He ended it with me one night through a text message. He told me he was done with the "BS". I miss him, i fell for him and I don't know what to do. He heard "stories" and thinks that I lied to him from day one. When I asked him straight up what he heard he told me that he didn't have to tell me because I know what I lied about and I'm in denial. I never lied to him but he doesn't believe me. I just need some advice as to how to either move on, or find out whose talking about me, or how to win him back. Please if anyone has any advice i'd greatly appreciate it.




  1. That's a tough one, sounds like someone got jealous and decided to break you two up, happens all the time. I know it sounds childish but write him a long letter or something, explaining how you feel and that what ever they were saying about you were lies.

    I mean it would be nice to tell him this stuff in person but he is going to need a lot of space to think this stuff over, and a letter will do just that.

    Food for thought:

    Why would you be lying to him?

    How would you get off by lying that any way?


    Also on the other hand, moving on would also be an option because obviously this dude doesn't sound very bright. If you decide to move on, just start talking to other guys, maybe not flirting but just become friends with more guys, see if there is any one else you potentially could date.  

  2. Jess: its him not you, honestly. He heard it through the grap vine that you were b.s -ing and he is convinced that he you aren't into him....what a load of krap.

    sounds more like he is looking for a reason to end it. or he is so d**n insecure that he expects you to prove how u feel....move on before u loose your mind

  3.   Poor you. Well first of all find out who tald thes stoies and talk to them working out why they did it.

      Then get some of your mutual friends to talk to him sometimes they can help more than you trying to work it out yourself. They can also tell him you did no tlie if he refuses to listen to you.

      Just forget about him if you can but I know how hard that is I hope my advice has been of some use.


  4. well it seems an odd way to dump you, and then not giving a specific reason if someone said to me my girlfriend has been cheating on me, i would confront my girlfriend about it cause you know it could be bullshit. I would confront your ex about it and make him tell you why he split up with you, cause you are entitled to an explanation, and if he's still an *** about it then he's not worth it and you will have to move on. It's never easy getting over someone but you will eventually

  5. hes a dumb-*** don't even try to get that loser back. if he doesn't believe you that's his problem not yours. sounds to me like you could do SOOO much better  

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