
I fell off a pony and i think my pinky is jammed but idk it might be broken?

by  |  earlier

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i fell pretty hard on my one side and it was my first fall. my dad bought a finger splint and it really hurts. it is so swollen i can move the top of my pinky but no more cause it is so swollen. it hurts if i try to bend it. can anyone help me!!




  1. not matter if it is broken or jammed the treament is the same... the splint is the best thing to do...

    if u go to the doctor they will tell u to continue with the splint so unless ur finger is deformed dont waste ur time

    keep ice on ur finger and take 600mg of ibprophen every 8hrs to help with the swelling and pain

    if u have no change in about a week then u may want an xray but only for ur own piece of mind

  2. the best answer i can give u is go to a doctor they know more, and they will help you more than anybody here

  3. Ice it 20 mins on and 20 off as often as you are able.  IMPORTANT to do so the first 48 hours of injury. It will hurt, unfortunately.  As the swelling and the blood 'disperse' (for lack of a better word) the pain will get less.   Also important you keep splint on.    I have 2 pinkies that w/injured as a child playing volleyball, I didn't let anyone get near me to splint/pull it or whatever was done in those days and it has remained kinda deformed --

    Also, keep that arm elevated a bit -- remember gravity takes over when you hang that arm down and can cause more pain.   So try sitting a bit with arm on a pillow (no sense getting hurt and not spoiling yourself a bit --- smile).    See if that helps lessen the pain/swelling.   ICE it ICE it - 20 on and 20 off.    If the elevation helps maybe keeping the arm in a sling for a day or 2 might help?

    Also, ask your parents if they will let you take something that will help take the edge off the pain - like tylenol OR Motrin/Ibruprofen.--just until the swelling goes down.

    In summary:

    1. Keep splint on--(by the way, did your dad wrap your pinky to the finger next to it after he put the splint on?   This helps immobilize it even more - which you want right now.  .  

    2. Ice it - even if it hurts more - as much as possible

  4. if it is broken it will hurt in mostly on specific spot not all around the finger it's self it could be jammed but if it was swelling should stop in a few days with ice on it

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