
I fell off my bike :(

by  |  earlier

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and got a big gash on my chin and the palm of my hand... I'm not sure if there's any gravel in my hand but its really painful and if there is some gravel whats the worst thing that can happen?




  1. I hope your jabs are up to date? Tetanus will leave you convulsing until you die a painful death!

    Best bet is to spray or apply an antiseptic soon afterwards. (the 10 year Tetanus booster jabs are obsolete here in the UK - as I found out recently when bitten by a dog whilst cycling!)

    If it becomes inflamed or pus extrudes then seek medical advice, apart from that the chances are you will be ok!


  2. infection. Really look at it to make sure first. To clean it, a nurse told me to mix a gallon of water with a cap full of bleach. this will kill anything that will cause an infection. don't use hydrogen peroxide, that kills living tisue also, and could lead to a scar. keep an eye out for swelling, redness, or fever. those are usually the first signs. Hope everything heals fine.

  3. Make sure you put a plaster on it after washing it well to make sure it does not get infected :)
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