
I fell on my foot and now it's all swolen??

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Yesterday I was at 7-11 with my sister and her boyfriend and we were coming out of it. I tripped off the curb and caught myself (my sister's boyfriend said I "rolled my ankle") but my foot instantly swelled up and went numb. It's not numb anymore, but it's still super-swolen and all bruised (on my foot).

I went to the doctor yesterday and he said that it's a bad sprain and he can't tell if there is any ligament damage until the swelling goes down. How long will it be until the swelling goes down?? Yesterday I did the whole ice thing for 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off. The swelling seemed to go down a bit, but today was my first day of 8th grade and I had to walk around the high school all day.

It hurt realllllly bad to walk flat footed this morning, so I walked on my toes on that foot. I was limping all day. Now, I can kind of walk flat footed but it hurts bad but I'm just trying to deal with it.

My foot is reallyyyyy swollen and there is a huge bruise on the swollen part. It hurts to pick my toes up, and to walk flat footed. My doctor said just to ice it and if it's still swollen in a week, I have to get an ex ray. Does anyone have any other advice (particularly if you are a doctor??)

By the way, I'm 13. Also, I can walk up and down stairs flat footed now, but going down hurts more than going up. Any advice?





  1. NO

    you dont necessarily have to go anywhere.

    just saying it is NORMAL and sometimes a good thing for swelling.

    that happened to my friend from camp.

    she stepped backwards on a tennis court and twisted her ankle on a tennis ball.  it swelled to probably 2wice its size.

    the doctor we have at camp (who is fully certified) and she said that its normal and a good thing for it to swell.  its not necessarly a problem.

  2. Go to the E.R.

  3. I can't believe that your doctor didn't x-ray your ankle. Maybe it is a bad sprain, but it could be broken. Without x-rays, you wouldn't know for sure. In either case, you shouldn't be walking around on it. If it's broken, it needs to be set quickly, particularly if it is broken over a growth plate. If it is a bad sprain, and sprains can sometimes be worse than actual breaks, you should be taking it easy on the ankle. In the meantime, keep icing and elevating it.  

  4. i'm surprised he didnt give you crutches, those would help a lot with the walking part...That's the best I can think of for now until the doctor can decide what to do.

  5. Sounds like you sprained your ankle, it happens when you over extend your ankle, Depending on how severe you sprained it, will depend on how long it will take for it to heal, Keep your foot stable as you can while it heals, and if its throbbing with pain, elevate your foot and apply the cold compresses to alleviate the pain, Also take some Motrin from time to time when its really bad. Walking will be a pain, but like i said, keep it stable and don't move it too much.

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