
I fell out the window, what should I do?

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I fell out the window, what should I do?




  1. haha! my friend fell out of my window once. it was funny but bad at the same time. I turn my head away then look back and dont see him. all i hear is" waaahhhhh!!!" it was hilarious.

  2. Hope it wasn't a car window...

  3. if ur hurt get help...if ur not hurt...tell ur self u are dumb for falling out the window..

    next time learn.

    or else ur dumber.

  4. Get me a cheeseburger. I'm hungry.

  5. then why the h**l are you on the computer?

    get help.

    very simple.

    oh and laugh at yourself for being an idiot...

  6. AHAAHAHAH. youre fine now, what is there to worry about? lol.

  7. Go seek medical attention, DUH!

  8. Hallucinate.   We're all dancing unicorns.

  9. get . up .

  10. Go back in the house. Close the window. Call an adult and ask them to remove all sharp objects.

  11. get back up.

  12. Well if you fell out the window why are you on the computer typing about it? go to a hospital dummy, answer mine please;...

  13. Post a question on yahoo...make sure you are alright, then fix the window.

  14. ok first of all how would you fall out of a window??

    thats funny!

  15. stand upp

  16. do it again.

  17. Get a life.

  18. go to the hospital

  19. Pick up your computer and dust it off!  FAST!

  20. not ask this question

  21. Douse yourself in Everclear and ask a hooker for a light so you don't bother us again.

  22. laugh at yourself cause you just fell out of the window

  23. fall back in

  24. try to climb back in

  25. get back on and say cheeseeeeeeeee

    Ok, let be a man

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