
I fell very embarrassed cuz I'm almost the only on on my volleyball team who cant serve overhand. Any help?

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I fell very embarrassed cuz I'm almost the only on on my volleyball team who cant serve overhand. Any help?




  1. u shouldnt feel embarrassed cause theres alot of people who cant serve. to get more power throw the ball higher and hit the ball with a straight hand(not a floppy one) that heaps me :)

  2. i couldnt serve for c**p before it was soo embarrasing but i got tips from other people and i practiced and now i'm not that bad.... try it . [both]

  3. If you made the team without knowing how to serve overhand, then it must not be a very competitive or advanced league.  Therefore, serving overhand is not necessary.  Thus, just make sure you serve underhand very well and you should be fine.

  4. start by just throwing your vball over the net using an overhand throwing motion

    when that feels a little more normal, then start striking the ball against a wall

    you might start closer to the wall and then move back, put some tape on the wall to indicate height of the net

    after that starts to feel natural then start serving over a real net to get ball into the court

  5. You could practise at home or somewhere... (Practise makes perfect)

  6. Well, that's alright. My suggestions are work very diligently on your toss. Having a good toss is crucial. Also practice outside or something. I practice by hitting my volleyball against the top of my house. Another thing is make sure you use your knees and legs! You won't get all the strength you need from just your arms. Make sure your hand is apart and your fingers are open ... if you need to squash your thumb and pointer finger together.

    Hopefully some of this was helpful. :D

  7. omg! i feel the exact same way..and everyone can but not me.. but my mom told me that she never seved overhand.. even in collage.. so i guess its not as bad now.. some ppl are just different.

  8. Can you elaborate on what the ball is doing when you hit it? I can probably help, but I'd rather know more.

  9. this happened to me too. i was like the best player on the team except i couldnt serve overhand. I talked to my coach and was recommended to lift weights. I started lifting weights and i got stronger and was able to have strong serves. But it took time but it was worth it.

    good luck :)

  10. Dont worry...ive been playing volleyball for almost 4 yrs. the first two yrs i couldn't serve overhanded. i didnt have enough arm strenght. If you excrise your arms daily, your arms will get stronger. If you do...youll be serving them balls right over that net. trust me...i had the same problem but now...i can. hope everything works out!

  11. u have to have really good upper arm strength so work on tht. go to the notre dame vball camp. tht place is amazing and is were i learned how to overhand serve.


  12. its ok, this happens to alot of people. i specifically remember one practice where my coach made me throw one of my shoes against the wall, first throwing as hard, second as high as possible. another thing that one of my coaches did, was she had our whole varsity team throw footballs back and forth, it really helps perfect the arm swing.

  13. practice practice practice!!!!! a lot of it depends on your toss so before you even start practicing over hand, just practice your toss  for a while.  once you feel comfortable with that then u can start practicing the actual serve. make sure you find a good, reliable technique that feels comfortable for you.   hahaha it took me a while to start serving overhand, but i grunt now when i serve and for some reason that seemed to help me lol

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