
I felt a hand over my neck?

by  |  earlier

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last night, i was lying in bed and i felt my neck tingling, it really felt like someone was behind me and grasping their hand around my neck, and i felt as though if i didnt touch me neck and push it away, it was going to strangle me, i touched my neck and it immediately stopped. i've been told i have the sixth sense and some physchic abilites, and i think i may be a medium or have some medium abilites. i do belive my house in haunted sometimes, but i dont know who, i thought about it and thought about what it's name could be. i got the letter m, and then mi. i finally got michael, and i asked mum but there was no michael in the house apparently, but there was a mitchell. i'm positive he didn't die or something.

help someone?





  1. Laying in your bed! When you are about to sleep, your senses are at there highest and they over work themselves sometimes creating false touches and such. Its nothing unusual and nothing to worry about.

  2. Did it feel as if you were choking, but without the feel of hands wrapped AROUND your neck? There&#039;s a chakra in the throat. It means the spirit wanted to communicate with you, to &quot;speak&quot; with you. Or through you, depending. If a spirit wants me to do some automatic writing, for example, my hands tingle. But I&#039;ve felt what you experienced, and I assure you they cannot choke you. But the stimulating of the chakra WILL feel as if you&#039;re being choked. but you&#039;re not.

    Could also be your spirit guide helping you clear out the chakra. Do you tend to hold your tongue a lot? Hold your emotions in?

    Next time you feel it, cough, not a phony cough, but give a good one, until the sensation goes away.

    The name michael.... are you reglious at all?

    EDIT: wondering if you&#039;re religious.... I wondered if you pray to the saints at all, or ask them for help at all, or even ask the angels for help, as angels tend to be seen as a religious thing. But the name Michael makes me think of Archangel Michael. his primary colors are gold and blue, and the throat chakra&#039;s color is blue. If you tend to hold in your emotions, he could&#039;ve been helping you clear it out. Was just a weird wondering, if maybe it was him, I&#039;m honestly not even sure why, just popped into my head. So, if you&#039;ve asked for help regarding communicating or your emotions, that may have been an answer.

    And I asked if you hold in emotions because I do as well and my throat chakra is forever getting blocked up with emotions. When it does, and my guides clean it out, it feels exactly like what you described. Sometimes it&#039;s so bad I have to ask them to stop for a minute, or I&#039;ll throw up. lol


    ahhh, I thought maybe you had, but I was afraid to ask outright for fear of offending you if you weren&#039;t religious at all (it&#039;s a touchy subject around these parts). In that case, yes. He heard you and responded. Anytime you ask Michael for help, he will come. As far as you being down? I don&#039;t know, could very have been. He does that for me a lot, whenever I&#039;m overwhelmed by my emotions, he touches me and it helps me. He may have been showing you where the problem was, telling you to speak your truth. Don&#039;t hold it in.

    PS: feel free to email me.

  3. I really think you should try to get your parents to take you to a chiropractor.  You may have a pinched nerve. My experiences became more clear and less scary when I got rid of my migraines and was able to clear my chakras easier.  Alignment is important.

  4. Okay, you probably felt him. I feel someone rubbing my arm sometimes. I brush him off and he&#039;ll go away. It usually works. But never use a Oujii Board because then they will stay and you can get posssed, if you do use a Oujii board make sure to say goodbye or else its an open portal. If your lucky you can just tell them to stop and they might leave you alone for awhile. I do that to Greg and it works. It&#039;s not really his name but I found it annoys him so, I call him that, but I advise you don&#039;t call your ghost anything or else he/she make become annoyed and that might not be good for you. If you ask them to show a sign though they most likely won&#039;t do anything, though. But, I&#039;m sorry if didn&#039;t help! Hope I did though! :)

  5. tell your parents maybe they will help you

  6. Psychic, huh?  Can you tell me the winning lottery numbers for tomorrow?

  7. &quot;i was lying in bed&quot;

    You were falling asleep and starting to have a dream.

  8. If something happens again then just talk to your mom about it  

  9. Personally, I don&#039;t believe in ghost. But if you ask what do I think it is, I would say, its not a ghost, it would probably be neck cramp. Or that your neck it bitten by some insects. I don&#039;t understand how did you know that the &quot;ghost&quot; is called michael. Did it write its name down in ink??? o.O

  10. gardian angel. might have just been trying to help you relax, especially if u were super stressed.

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