
I felt like i couln't breath while i was sleeping. Could i have just dreamed i couldn't breath?

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I was sleeping on the floor of our living room, and i wasn't all the way asleep because i could still hear stuff that was going on around me but i was dreaming sorta but then i couldn't breath or move or open my eyes and i was trying to wake up and my mom was like did you have a bad dream i said i think I'm sick but then i felt ok and i told her what happened and she said i just dreamed it! But i seriously couldn't breath! It was rele scary and my mom doesn't believe me! So could i have just been dreaming?




  1. That has happened to me! You cant speak, you cant move, you cant do anything and your freakin out! No you were not dreaming.  

  2. that happened to me once too. Are you taking pills?

    Different medicine can cause you to think you're awake but not totally, and trying to speak or move or wake up but can't do it.

    You're probably on pills :) I bet!


  3. This is more common a thing than it may sound. It happens that parts of our brain can come out of sleep before other parts. I have had this happen. I woke up once after falling asleep on the couch. I could hear the tv was on- but my eyes couldn't make sense of the pictures! It scared me, but then my doctor explained to me what I just explained here.

    It's freaky but nothing to fear.  

  4. That's a special sleep state called "sleep paralysis." It's quite common. Part of your brain is awake, and part still asleep so you can't control your body consciously. You can read more here:

  5. This has happened to me too. I feel as if I am suffocating and cannot move my legs and cannot wake up. Then I just snap out of it. It really is scary. I believe we are just dreaming but it feel so real.

  6. sounds like sleep paralysis, i had this a few times, first time it really scared me. Basically when you fall asleep your body releases chemicals to keep you from flailing around while your asleep, what pretty much happens is either going in to sleep or coming out of it, the chemicals are released and you may not be asleep, or awake as yet.

        its also accompanied by a downward feeling, like someone is on your chest and sometimes hallucinations. 1st time it happened i felt like someone was watching me but i couldnt turn my head, and then i heard some maniacal laughter....scary.

    For me it seems to happen when i sleep too much or if i eat certain greasy stuff right before bed

  7. You should go see your doctor because you might have "Sleep Apneia". It could be a serious thing!!!

  8. its called paralyze sleep  basically,u wake up, but ure not properly awake yet, so ure still kinda asleep if u see wht i mean. it happend to my mate.  

  9. I think, when you're dreaming, maybe you shifted position so that your stomach is facing the ground?

    The hard ground might have made it extremely hard to breathe, considering the amount of pressure put on your lungs.

    Then, maybe you automatically thought (well, in your dreams) it was too uncomfortable, and shifted into another position without you knowing.

    The human brain's a crazy gimmik.

    Hope that helps.

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