
I felt like wasting 5pts...?

by  |  earlier

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You know you play volleyball when...

When youre taller than most of your class. or when you're not, and people wonder how you play volleyball when your not 6'11.

When a ball is hurled at your face, you either set, pass, or hit it. Or you flail your arms spastically.

You know what a libero is/does.

You have more than one pair of knee pads.

you own at least one shirt that has the word "volleyball" "hit" or a drawing of a volleyball on it.

You've perfected drawing a volleyball. And taught others how to draw it.

You know a pancake is more than just something to eat.

You've been asked why volleyball players wear spandex. And you don't really know.

You've been to volleyball camp. Many times.

Whenever you see a volleyball, you have to touch it.

You've seen that movie "All You've Got" and wanted to write the director on how bad it was.

You either laugh or get really mad when you see other people trying to play volleyball.




  1. Wow THAT IS SO TRUE! lol I LOVE VOLLEYBALL! I don't know why we're all sitting on our computers instead of out there playing!

  2. Are you talking about me or about yourself?

    Oh, never mind, I don't wear spandex :)) Never fit those... but I fit into all other of your descriptions.

    Have a nice weekend, and have fun playing volleyball.

  3. volleyball is my life!! I've played since i was 5 and when i was 11 i started playing all year long!! I know exactly how you feel!! In PE i had to close my eyes when everyone else was playing on my team because I'm a way competitive person and couldn't handle how they played.

  4. Hehe I really like this!

  5. I'm 5'4 and I play volleyball.  I'm pretty sure that I'm done growing, because I'm 13 years old.

    Yea, the second one is totally true.  I was playing basketball in gym class and bumped it, and i'm like!

    Yep to number three.

    Of course, I have blue, red, white, and three pairs of black.

    I actually have about 20 of those from school and other teams

    Yea, that's what I do in my spare time.  I draw volleyballs with the names wilson or Molten on them when english gets boring.

    Of course if you're a true v-ball girl.

    Actually no.

    Eight years in a row and to more than one each summer!

    I always have to set it and serve it against a wall, duh!

    Oh my God, totally!

    Oh my gosh yes!  I just want to take it out of their hands and be like, "Stop you suck," or "This is my game!"  I am the only one allowed to play volleyball.  I'm so erogant like that!  He he!

    Peace out!

  6. haha! this is good.

    volleyball is me life :]

    i love it!

    i get verry frustrated in PE, and on our school team, because everyone sucks!

    i am like the only 1 of 2 good players, and it really sucks being on a losing team!

    at least i have my winning club team :]

  7. you get pissed when people say volleyball is an easy sport. well guess what, its not.

  8. OMG! so true! but what's the point?

  9. I played intramural volleyball and guy that looked like Flea from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers laughed at me when I hit the ball out of bounds... haven't played since.

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