
I felt the pain in my dream...?

by  |  earlier

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the other night i was sleeping and i had a dream that i was on a bus, and me and the bus driver got in a fight. and he threw a frisbee at me, and it had spikes on the side. it hit my head and the spikes went in the back of my head. i actually felt the pain. it was the worst pain i've ever felt. why can you feel the pain in actuality? and does this mean anything?




  1. It sounds like while on your journey through life you have had difficulties and that lately you have had a lot of stress and need to relax a bit more

  2. I get the same thing. I think it's just a reaction of the brain to visual stimulus. Your brain thinks that you are being injured and provides the illusion of pain. Dreams are amazing and yet still very mysterious.

  3. no you just wonder how it feels so your brain makes it up. i dreamed i got shot with a gun like 6 years ago. nothing like that happened agian.  

  4. LOL cool dream

    i had an experience like this too

    i was like some warfare and like everyone was shooting each other

    and i was scared and **** and if u were captured u would get tortured

    so in my dream i was in a room full of nitrogen gas tanks

    and in my dream i kinda suicided -.-

    i dropped my gun and picked up one of these tanks

    and i put the valve to my mouth and i release the gas

    i inhaled it and it was sooooo realistic

    i felt that PAIN!!!! my throat like burning/freezing up and i died

    i felt myself die, i felt myself slowly losing consciousness and falling to the ground

    and i was on the ground for who knows how long and it was just pitch black

    and i woke up

  5. ohh dont worry...

    something just really fit your head...

    because what you do when your sleeping is something like what you feel/see in your dream

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