
I fight all around, and wanna get into a amateur cage fight, any website or place to sign up?

by Guest31744  |  earlier

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i fight all the time, dont goto a gym, but have some mma training, i live in california and want to do some cage fighting, any website or anyone know where i can go to sign up anywhere in california,




  1. You should just build your own "DeathCage" in your backyard.  That would rule!  Then you could trick people into going in there and you could beat the living c**p out of them.  And you wouldn't have to leave your home state either!  It's a win-win scenario (except for the guy that you pummel to death in the "DeathCage").

    P.S. Please name it the "DeathCage" and I'll be your pal.

  2. you should go to a gym. I live near this famous one started by the dude that made those fights famous... although right now his name completely slips... ah wait, Pat Militech? Anyway, all the tough guys around here go hang out there and spar and if they rock the promoters grab em.

  3. Underground forums, constant guys looking for fighters there. Again, lots of promoters looking for fighters here.

    Though without a club or someone of worth vouching for you, or at least a license to fight in Amateur fights in California you may come into some roadblocks.

    Most places don't want to run the risk of someone completely untrained off the street coming in. But you might come across a desperate promoter or two that will put you in a real small event, and you can be tested in the fire.

    I would begin all of this by going here:

    Go through the steps to at least be licensed, that will go a long way. Finding a good club to at least help you prepare, or to work out in here and there so they can vouch for you. Most of the time they can set you up with fights without you having to go through the hassle of trying to go around with your hand out.

    Good luck to you, I think you got an eye opening experience coming. Everything sounds fun and seems cool until you get hit in the face from someone looking to knock you out. Or 1 minute into the match you are wanting to puke your guts out from not being in proper cardio shape for MMA, and you are sitting there begging for a guy to beat you... that is always a humiliating experience.

    Luckily most places will match you against someone else inexperienced. However if that inexperienced person is training with good people, he will have a tremendous advantage over you.

    Well you don't want to hear all this...

    Good luck man, hope someone puts you in a fight.

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