
I figured out where the socks go in the dryer, anybody interested?

by  |  earlier

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I figured out where the socks go in the dryer, anybody interested?




  1. I am!

  2. yes please im always loosing them

  3. Ha ha... they turn into lint. That's why you have to keep emptying that lint thing.

  4. sure.

  5. It's the washer that loses them, not the dryer.

  6. Oh, you betcha. Where?

  7. Educate me, cause inquiring minds want to know!

  8. nah i dont wash my socks i just buy new ones and make this lil kid wear the dirty ones...


  9. I found out where mine were going..a small piece of rubber from the drum came off and they made it through there and ended up INSIDE the dryer..took teh back off the dryer and there they were, and about 2.00 in change and a 10 dollar bill! wooohooo!

  10. well i know where my socks go i find them in other parts of the  clothes exsample in jean legs ,shirt sleeves pillowcases am i getting warm

  11. Have you also figured out how to make war stop???

  12. NO

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