
I filed Ch. 13 bankruptcy, now what happens with our life?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I recently had to file Ch 13. I am now pregnant and worried to death that we will be living on the streets! What happens when we go to rent a bigger apartment? Are we automatically denied now? And our leased car is due to be turned in, can we buy it or do we have to turn it in and be out a car? No one tells you what happens after filing. I have only heard horror stories, nothing even semi-positive. Plenty of people file, and I am just wondering if things have worked out for them. If anyone has any advice and has been there we would really appreciate hearing from you. Thanks in advance!




  1. GOOGLE "collapse mechanism"


  2. it will be a struggle.  after my hubs and i filed...we had a car repo'd and the house was foreclosed on.  we were able to find a new house to rent and lived paycheck to paycheck for a few months.

    we had to learn what to cut back on, extra cable channels, land line phone, eating out, taking lunch to work and focus on our goal of NO credit cards.

    we are 2+ years post filing and still have NO credit cards and have started a savings.  we did try to buy a house 1 1/2 yrs past and would have gotten it, if our car payment wasnt late one time.  so we rented again for 1 year to build up a bigger savings for a bigger down payment.

    the hardest thing to learn is to live off of your bank account.  NO MORE CREDIT CARDS.

    you can do it.  it will hard at first...but be positive and learn from the mistakes that got you there to begin with.

    good luck!

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