Heres my story, as brief as i can make it. Im in my second year of college that costs 2500/semester, but i have a scholarship from the university that covers about 1500 of that, so roughly 1000 a semester. I had a few 1 year scholarships that helped pay for it last year, but now im in my sophomore year and need money, i only have about 3000 left (sounds like alot, but thats really only enough to pay for this next year, car upkeep and all). Problem is, i cant find a job and summer is already almost half over (!) ive been looking and looking but no luck. So i turned to FAFSA. I filled out the form a few weeks ago, with an EFC of about 2500. I havent heard or recieved anything from them though. Should i be worried? Anyone have any idea how much i could expect to recieve?