
I filed an amendement on my 2007 taxes which i thnk is affecting wether i get a stimulius chck or not plz help

by  |  earlier

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I filed an ammendment on my 2007 taxes which just put me over the $3,000 earned income bracket..i recieved another check for that and now i dont think im gettin a rebate for some reason because for one i havent gotten a letter or a check when everyone with higher last 2 social numbers already got their letters and checks..also i went online to and put all my info in there and it says i dont quailfy for a refund.....could this be their mistake because of the ammendment? do i need to contact the irs? or will i eventually get one? plz help!!!! any answers appreciated!




  1. If the change was adding social security, railroad retirement or VA benefits, you'll probably get a stimulus payment.  If it was adding a W-2 or a 1099, no you most likely won't, the calculation would be based on your original filing.

  2. The rebate is based on originally filed returns, not amended returns.  The only exception to this is if you were amending your return to add social security or veteran's benefits to get you over the $3,000 hump.

    If you don't qualify this year (sounds like you don't), you can file a 2008 return next year and try again.  It is a one time rebate that can be received based on 2007 or 2008 tax returns.

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