
I filed an edd unemployment claim, but i got called for work, an have been laid off this same day?

by  |  earlier

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and i have yet to mail it,can i still mail the unemploment?




  1. You are entitled to unemployment compensation for the time you are unemployed. If you signed papers to go work somewhere and got laid off the same day you're screwed in more ways than one. If you just worked for some guy for cash, who's going to know?

  2. Your claim is still open. You simply show the income you received and EDD will reduce your benefit accordingly for that one period. You still get to collect the same total benefit over the life of your claim if it goes full term. That is, if your 1 day of work reduced tis week's benefit by $50, that $50 is still available to be claimed later if you otherwise qualify.

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