
I filed for child support but i would like to know what will happen if i dont show up ?

by  |  earlier

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i filed for child support because my baby father wasnt doing anything for my son. he was served through mail. when he got the papers he asked to see our baby so i took him over. he did a big show and tried kidnapping my son. hit me and stole my cell phone. all his friend were there and no one even tried to help. after half an hr fighting for my son i got him back and went home. i have a police report stating what happened and im going for a order protection. but this isnt the 1st time this has happened (him hitting me) and at one point when i finally had my son in my hand he started pushing me and pulling my hair. i know hes a danger to my son but i just want to get as far away from him as possible before me or my son end up hurt bad. i want to know since i was the one who filed for child support would i get a warrant for my arrest if i dont show up ??





  1. You need to be there, so be there!!

  2. If your afraid to show up because he's going to be there then you need to call ahead of time and explain this to them the situation. They might do everything behind closed doors so you don't have to be in the same room with the animal. But you have to go. Not showing up would not be good. Give the court a call and talk to them. Good luck

  3. You (or your attorney) need to be there.  I don't know what state you are in, but in my state, if there is a serious problem between the two parties, they call them in separately to avoid unnecessary confrontation.  If you have a lawyer, it's possible that he/she may attend alone on your behalf.  Check with a lawyer before your hearing.

  4. If you don't appear, your case will be dismissed.  That is - you will get no support.  Subsequently, it is unlikely that even a clever attorney can get your petition for support filed again - as in never.

  5. Why wouldn't you show up, do you plan on sleeping in that day or what?

  6. for his court day to determine the amount he will be paying you do not have to be there, that's in Canada though I don't know if its different anywhere else. Anyways My ex's court day was yesterday and I didn't want to be there, and my lawyer said I didn't have to go unless I wanted to, so NO you don't have to go and it will be decided weather your there or not.  

  7. Why on earth wouldn't you be??

    Do what you have to do to take care of your son.Are you afraid of him? Have whoever you'd like go to court with you for support but do go.

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