
I filled Out the Application for TXVA and.......?

by Guest65105  |  earlier

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it says i have to mail them all of this stuff, but do i need to print out the survey and student records? and fill it out and mail it to them?

and also do i HAVE to send them a migrant survey and a home language survey if i have never lived in mexico? or moved from any other country?

ANd last. what do i mail the forms in? just a regular envelope? if i use a regualar envelope wont it be to heavy? and i have to put extra postage on it? i cant ask my mom because she is busy and thats just that so dont say to ask my mom.

thank you




  1. If the enrollment packet includes a survey and form for student records, of course you have to fill them out.  Well, not you, but your parent.

    If they require the migrant survey and home language survey, then yes, you have to fill it out.  Just put "n/a" in anything that doesn't apply.  Most likely these forms are required of *all* Texas public schools.  Your parents most likely had to fill them out for your enrollment in your B&M public school.

    I'd mail it all in a 9X13 manilla envelope.  It will require extra postage for the non-machinable surcharge, as well as the weight.  So take it to the post office to mail, with a proof of delivery receipt.

  2. You can fax the forms and the required documentation to 281.313.1240. After you have completed the on-line application, just fax the release of student records, home language survey, and migrant survey with a copy of the proof of residency, birth certificate, ss card and what else is listed. I did this for my son and they confirmed receipt with me over the phone. If you choose to mail them in, you can fold the papers in a regular envelope since there will not be but a few and the postage will be approximately 3-4 stamps.  

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