
I finally detected my LH Surge this morning.....but I have a question....?

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This is my first round of Clomid, 50 MG. It didn't seem to work as far as making me ovulate "normally," as today is day 24 of my cycle (I always ovulate really late, that's why I'm on Clomid). Anyway, I was wondering if it would hurt if I got pregnant after ovulated on CD 24-25?? Is my egg bad since it got released so late?? What are your thoughts?




  1. With clomid you usually ovulate 7 or more days after your last pill. You egg is mature at time of ovulation so it would not be old. No it would not hurt at all.

  2. I think your egg is fine, i'm a late ovulator too and my 'research' has pointed me toward the idea that it's ok when you Ovulate as long as you do.

  3. You are on clomid BECAUSE you ovulate late?  That is very weird.  Late ovulation is common on Clomid.  

    Anyway, ovulating late is not a problem whatsoever, as long as the luteal phase (time between ovulation and AF) is longer than 11 days.  The egg will still be great.

    If your luteal phase is too long, start taking red raspberry leaf, in tablet or tea form.  It can naturally lengthen your luteal phase.  Ask your doctor if yu can take it with clomid, though.

    Good luck!

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