
I finally got my rebate check and its 600 dollars short. is there anything i can do?

by  |  earlier

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I finally got my rebate check and its 600 dollars short. is there anything i can do?




  1. Unless you are married or have kids, the limit is $600.00.

    They will take it if you opwe back child support, too.

    If there is no good reason why, then I'd give it a week (in case it's in the mail) and then contact them.

  2. What is it that makes you think it was short?

    CHildren under 17 get 300 a piece added on, married gets a minimum of 600, max 1200. Single gets a minimum of 300 max 600. If your tax liability is under the minimum you get the min. If its higher than the max you get the max. If its inbetween you get that exact amount.

    If it truly is short then call the irs they will help you, and explain it or get you the difference.

    Check out the irs website for a phone #  to call.

  3. I'm sure if they have already sent you a certain amount of money then they figure that this amount is correct.  If you have a question about this amount, then you need to contact them with these questions, no body better than them to give you the correct answers.  Just call them and they will answer your questions.

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