
I find it hard to talk to people?

by Guest33802  |  earlier

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I have severe depression and social anxiety. I feel that people won't accept me because of all the stigma surrounding mental health issues. People tend to see me as a 'psycho' or as mad when they know what problems I have.

I'm only 15 and have been staying away from my friends recently. I don't feel comfortable around them, I don't know what to say and I feel alone. I've become better friends with someone I've known for a while now and I feel like things might have a chance of getting better. I like him a lot and we're quite close, I feel as if a relationship would make me feel a lot better.

I find it hard to show my feelings and to open up to people. How can I be more comfortable and talk about my feelings?




  1. hi there at your age you shouldnt even have to worry about problems in life your  should be goin out with people you like and having fun

    there are loadsa people like you that find it hard to talk to people and make friends that actually like you for who you are but that is not your fault !!!!

    if they dont like how you are them thats there problem there are plenty more people out there just like you that would want to be your friend and hang out with you

    changing your self for other people is the worst thing you can do and if the people who claim to be yuor friends try to change you then they are not your friends because friends dont do that to each other

    you just need to look a bit harder for people that you can call 'my friends'

    friends are not hard to find and they could jsut be round the corner believe me it sounds cheesey but its very true

    but to be friendly and to make friends and keep them you need to be able to be comfortable with your self and eccept your self as a wonderful person that is no different from other people, if you might even have great qualities that other people might not have!! :D

    just look in the mirror and dont look for the bad things in you you need to see you r self in the mirror and list all the great thing that you like about your self im sure the list will go on for ever

    once your comfortable with your self self appearance your will automatically learn to talk and feel much better!

    best wishes and best of luk


    really ope i helped

  2. I have to feel strongly about something before i open up to anyone but when i have done, it is such a good feeling to know that youre not alone.

    You really need to try it.

    If its the 'face to face' thing, then try phoning a good help line such as samaritans or similar.

    Look up counselling in the phone book or yellow pages, believe me, those people are trained to listen..... not only that, most of them are already reformed people in one way or another, so they will connect with what is in your thoughts and fears.

    The old saying "a problem shared....." its true, and once you have someone elses honest opinion and advice in your thoughts things will seem less daunting.

    Theres nothing wrong with you that pushing yourself a little harder to socially interact wont cure.

    What i mean is, go out and be around people. Really try hard and soon you will feel less intimidated.

    Sharing this with your friend may be the key to a good strong relationship, in fact if he was scared away by it then its a good indicator that he was not the one.... give it a go...

    Its your self confidence thats lacking, thats all.

    You cant gain self confidence on your own, being alone too long will cause you to criticise yourself to deeply because nobody else is there to dissagree.

    In any case, who gives a toss what other people think about you, if your right, then it sounds to me that your not available enough to let people criticise you anyway.

    Get out there and enjoy everything, be yourself and say bollocks to everyone...!!

    Good luck

  3. try not to focus so much on yourself....talking to people is a front that everyone uses, like's a matter of practice.  suggest you try yoga and meditation.  also practice not being you...socialising is all a matter of one wants to hear about feelings and problems all the time as they are busy with their own.  thinking about yourself all the time is a form of selfishness...why don't you do something to help others and forget about  yourself...old people are marvellous for this as they grow out of the ego thing and take each day at a time.  they could help.

  4. you just do it. start off by having good times with the people then open up. Because if your not really that close to them and you just started talking about your feelings randomly, it might make you seem a little more psycho. (sorry but true.)

    You dont seem at all like you have mental health issues in that question. i really wouldnt be able to tell =]]

  5. talking to people and just dealing with them is the problem with me, i just don't understand people i mean its just people are awkward right

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