
I find it hard to turn left/right when driving (steering)?

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okay i am taking driving lessons currently. I am having trouble steering/turning left and right. I just don't know how much to turn the steering wheel. For example, when i am coming up to a junction or turning right/left into a main road/narrow road- I don't know when to start turning the steering wheel (my driver says do it when the door mirror is aligned with the kerb???????huh) or how much to turn the wheel (one revolution or 180 degrees etc) and once i have turned into the road, I don't know when to start steering back to the original position or how much to steer). I just find it really hard. Basically, steering sucks for me and I know its dumb but its a problem for me. i just feel like i am going to crash into a car when I turn into a road because I don't know how to steer or how much to steer etc etc. PLEASE HELP!!!!




  1. Go to a empty parking lot. Start the car and just get a feel for the wheel. Just practice for about 15-30 minutes(be careful not to hit anything; go slow). Your instincts will develop more as you practice

  2. Make sure your vehicle is in the correct lane to make a left or right hand turn.

    Signal your intentions to make a left or right  turn. If you did not have to stop at the intersection, begin slowing down at least 100 feet from the corner.

    Proceed with caution into the intersection. Do not turn the wheel until you are ready to actually make the left or right turn.

    Wait until there is no on-coming traffic. Yield to any vehicles (including bicycles) approaching from the opposite direction.

    Look in all directions carefully before starting your turn.

    Slow down to a safe speed to make a left or right turn.

    Complete the turn turning into the appropriate lane in which is designated to be turned into.

    Always watch for pedestrians before starting the turn. You must yield to pedestrians who may be crossing the street when you are turning left or right.........

  3. as stupid as this sounds go to the arcade and play driving games (simulator style with a steering wheel). It is far from perfect and not the way you want to drive but it will get you a Little more comfortable with the hand eye coordination part of steering in a safe environment. Then it is just practice.

  4. Forget arcade games they won't help.

    It will come with time but what will help is, as someone else suggested, find an empty car park or a large open space.

    If possible put down 2 traffic cones or some other marker and keep driving "figure of eights" around them; that will really help.

  5. Test track there, big guy.  Find an empty parking lot (or what ever brits call it) and practice!  It can be fun.  Include someone in the car that feels safe doing it, get a little advice.

  6. I think eleroth definately has the best answer!!  It is safe and gives you a good idea of how steering works, but make sure it is the steering wheel type where you sit inside the game machine.

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