
I find it really hard to talk to people?

by  |  earlier

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Ive just started beauty college and have made two friends, everyone else is friends with each other and I just can't talk to them at all. It takes me ages to get to be comfortable with someone and today all of us were sat in the locker room and a girl said to me i've never heard you talk, quite a few people looked at me and I felt like I was going red and got a lump in my throat. I can talk to boys quite easily its just girls!




  1. hi, i was the same and i done beauty college as well, i found it really hard i had a couple of mates but the rest of the class were mates with each other and would just look at me, but what didn't help was i we'rnt the blonde!! but i thought of it this was if im struggling now to speak to people i dont know, how am i goin to get on in the beauty world meeting new people everyday and cant make a convo, so i had to sit down think what really hard on how i was going to cope, the best thing is talk to one person at a time so they get too know you a little first, then they will tell their mates what they think and so on, and i was really hard for me to do. But i had to do it because wanting to work in beauty. it will get easier but their will be hard times as well. just take one step at a time and it will all come together in time. :-)

  2. hey i'll hook up with you, just say the word

  3. wow you sound like a really nice pleasant girl just imagine they are your sisters or mom or something I'm shy of talking to girls to i think you will be ok you made 2 friends you just started don't rush things just be yourself and I'm sure you will feel more confident day by day if anybody says anything just say your tired I'm sure you will be fine i will pray for you god bless you

  4. Have some witty answers in your head for certain people, ready to deliver if you unexpectedly bump into them.

    Do you sometimes spontaneously converse without realising it and realise 'hey I just did something hard' - this might happen a couple of times by pure luck so just relax and see how things unfold.

    If you are nervous about certain people just try calling them by their name when you pass and smile - shows your intentions are friendly - some will warm to you - others may not but thats their problem!

    Try and develop a strategy if you can.

  5. I used to be quite shy myself.  The trick is to look confident even if you're not, try and laugh off any negative comments and turn them into a joke, that way no one thinks anything more of them.  It also gives you a starting point.  Just try a bit of small talk about random things going on there.

    Don't know if this helped (I'm not sure if it's different when girls chat with eachother, being a guy lol) but it worked for me!

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