
I find my room to be boring, and i want something to to make it stand out more.?

by  |  earlier

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something that i have to make which will improve my room.




  1. well my room is all matching


    my room is mismached

    and its awsome


    add ur favorite stuff

    trust me

    my friends hang out here all da time

  2. Try some new bedding, a sports theme, or black light. Just Google some design schemes and see what you come up with. Best of luck!

  3. get a hot tub in ur room.

    JK. ermm idk, i'd need to see what ur room looks like now and what u would like for it to look like

  4. It's kind of hard to say because you don't say what the room is like now or what you want it to accomplish. Think about what you want the room to do. Do you want it to be relaxing? Do you want it to be exciting? Do you want it to be less cluttered? If you can tell us a little more, that would be helpful. I think what would be best for you is to think about the kind of room you would like to have, and then think about what you could add, take away, or change to make that happen in your space.

    For example, if you want it to have a more grown-up feel, remove all clutter that you can. You could paint any light-colored furniture black or stain it in a dark wood color. Then keep the wall color and main items in the room neutral, and choose one or two colors you like to be accent colors.

    If you want the room to be more exciting, choose shades of red and yellow to decorate. You could offset that with several accessories in a navy blue. Reds give a room a more invigorating feel, while blues and greens give it a more relaxing feel.

    Think about rooms you like. Google images of rooms and find ones that you like. Think about the colors that you like to be around. Think about the other rooms in your house or in other people's houses that you like being in. Then try to create that in your room.

    And if your room is starting to feel boring, it may just be because you haven't changed it in a long time or it has things in it which remind you of a time when you were younger. You may just need to remove what you no longer feel represent you and add things which do. If that's the case, start by removing all the items you no longer love. Then you might try changing the comforter set or the lampshades. Or add pictures of your current friends and images of your family that you like. Or a poster of your favorite band. You could find that all it needed were some simple tweaks.

  5. try a different color or something

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