
I find my self zoning off while driving and i's starting to scare me. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a new driver; I'm only 16 and I got my license almost exactly two months ago. When I'm driving on roads I know well, such as the road I take every day to get to the pool, I find my self zoning out or kinda daydreaming. It really struck me today when I had driven about 200 meters without remembering any of the driving that had taken place in that distance, as I was thinking about which way I would take to get from the ATM to where I was going to hang out with my friends. It was also at a slight curve in the road, so it really scared me that I could have hit another car or even a person walking on the street. There have been times where I've snapped out of it and I've had to suddenly brake, but it's never been any thing extreme. I'm just scared that eventually I'm gonna zone off for too long and hit some thing/some one. When I'm going some where I've never been, or have to concentrate on where to turn at what time, or if there's stop signs, I don't have a problem. Please help!




  1. Most busy people have this happen. Hopefully you have developed good HABITS so that if you "zone out" you will have done the right thing at that moment.

    We are human, and we get sidetracked in our thoughts from time to time. You are a new driver and therefore should make it a priority to "zone in", so that you live until your 17th birthday.

    We all lack self-discipline and you need to work on remain safe on the roads.

  2. This is why we have so many accidents people dont pay attention to their driving they as you say "zone off".....

  3. you need to make an effort to pay attention.

  4. have (or hang) something in your car, especially on your dashboard, that can distract you from your zoning off. like those toy animal stuff with their head banging up and down, left and right. :)(dont know how to explain it) or music ( just make sure its not the mushy lullaby ish kind). anything that may get you away from zoning off.

  5. I know what you are talking about... just yesterday I found myself doing the same thing and I do it often.  For example, to get to my house from my job you have to cross a bridge then go about 4 miles and get off the interstate at the 4th exit after the bridge...  Well, yesterday I remember crossing the bridge then the next thing I knew there was a sign saying that my exit was in 1/2 mile and I did not remember anything about the last 3 miles i had driven... this type of thing is fairly common for me so the help me concentrate solely on the road I do something simple like I choose a color before I start driving and then I count how many cars of that color i pass or that pass me or while I am driving, I count every other white stripe on the road or something that makes me concentrate on whats in front of me so I drift off less.  It helps but I'm OCD so counting and sorting are easy for me to do and keep doing while for some people, they would get bored.  Another thing: turn your music down to a dull background sound.  Loud enough for you to hear it but not too loud.  This should help because songs with certain beats or lyrics trigger emotions and memories that might make you zone out so if the music is not too loud, your less likely to zone.

    My favorite keep-me-from-zoning-off thing to do: Play the alphabet game with myself.  I look at every sign and find the letters A-Z, in order, one letter per sign.

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