
I find myself attracted to 13-14 year old girls?

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I've noticed that that i'm actually looking at underaged teen girls alot more often now. I'm about to turn 19 and i'm kinda worried about where i'm heading. I really don't want to s***w up my life and i have felt an urge to go up and talk to a girl though i stopped myself short of doing so.

I see reports all the time on pedofiles and stuff and I really don't want to become that. I know there is a natural attraction to younger girls but I mean these girls are 5-6 years younger than me! I really don't want to talk to a counselor and prefer the anonymousity on the net.

If anyone has felt similar feelings and have delt with them, it would be a big help. Thanks in advanced!




  1. It's ok you don't seem too creeper-ish. Hah

    Maybe you'd also be attracted to girls closer to your age who have a younger appearance. (small frame, skinny, childlike face, etc)

  2. Creeper ... !

  3. Seek help professional help!!! Something aint right.

  4. Seek help. Seriously, because it may not be that bad now.But,if the girls get younger as you get older, that is a problem. You may have some serious sexual issue,dude.

  5. u shud get help! i have a cuzin dats like dat and everyone thinx its as creepy as h**l!

    and shortyy, u know dat if he even kissed a gurl dats 14, he cud be arrested?!

  6. First of all you are very brave to admit to this. If you were 26 and were attracted to a 20yr old, fine.But,you are an adult and they are kids. You need to see a psychiatrist to sort this out. By law they cannot, without your consent, divulge any of your file to anyone. You are not going to get help on the net.There is a reason you have these feelings. A psychiatrist can help you figure out whether it is biological or situational.  Get help now so it doesn't  escalate to the point where one of these kids lives are ruined and so is yours because you couldn't control yourself anymore. Having these feelings must be a terrible burden but acting on them makes you a paedophile which is unforgivable. Deal with it now. Get a psychiatrist now.

  7. At the end of the day humans are just smart animals.

    There's so much we still don't know about ourselves.

    I think human scents have a lot to do with this.

    Think about it, when animals are on heat the give off a (pheremone?) scent

    I'm positive human's also do the same, regardless of suitable age according to society.

    Females are able to reproduce from when, say puberty, so obviously they would be giving off a scent also.

    Therefore the male becomes aroused.

    Though like i said it's not just the physical appearance, theres a lot more to it.

    Again, there's so much we don't understand.

  8. hi  I m a 17 yr old teen  and  you  really need to

    stop and think for a second  where will they be in years to come

    I had a crush on a 12 yr old  2 yrs ago but i am over it  

    and you probably attracted to the yoUNger girls because of the way they  dress which i think is un fair to you guys

    don't let your self get drawn into  it   not till they are 18 buddy

  9. It might sound weird now but when your 35 they will be 30 and it really wouldn't be that big of a difference.

    It's nothing to stress over and it's probably just a phase thing.

    If you really like a girl who's 13/14 maybe you can just talk and stuff but you can't ever get sexual until later in life. Which is a blessing in disguise believe it or not.

    You will meet someone nice your age and forget about it.

    So go out there and meet someone.

    Good luckk!

  10. You can go to jail for that!

  11. i dont really get why people are attracted to little girls. there is nothing to grab, they look bony and so little. Women are much more developed and maturer.

  12. It doesn't matter if your hot! (haha, kidding :-) Well if that girl and you really love each other, it shouldn't matter (ever heard the saying age doesn't matter?!) Well my dad and his gf are like 9 years apart so I guess it shouldn't matter..& if your friends tease you just ignore them cuz you never know what will happen.  just be careful if you want to get intimate because it's against the law.. but otherwise, go ahead! :-)

    btw, who fu*king cares austin.

  13. My first instinct was to hit  the "report" button, and/or blow you off, thinking that you might be more or less than you appear.  However, something tells me tha this is an honest question, and I do have a possible answer for you.  What you are describing is not pedophilia,  but something totally different.  I'm not a licensed TP (therapist) or phych doctor, so this is only my own opinion.   What you are describing is 'waif' desires, the emotional response to seeing someone that is very similar in appearance to younger teens.  It's commendable that you already stated you have no desire to be a pedophile, and I believe your sincerety on this issure.  If you get into the news nets, you aill find several subsections on >waifs<.   Don't worry, you are not 'sick' and in need of mental health intervention.  Th fat that you asked your question so openly and honestl, and the way you asked it tells me that you really are scared of being a pedo and no knowing it.  You are NOT.  Look up the waif newsgroup...see if that is what you are feeling.  Good luck

  14. well Im scared now!

    Im 13!

    Just stop yourself right now!

  15. If I catch you near my daughters and neices, u will be in jail for rape buddy....go get help before u become a sexual pedator.

  16. maybe its bcuz they dont lok there age

    knowing them they would probably talk to you

    but im not saying u should go talk to them

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