
I find out the gender in two weeks and my mom says i need to wait until dec. to shop for baby clothes..?

by Guest57363  |  earlier

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but its due dec.31st and i want to shop as soon as i find out if its a boy or girl!!!!!!




  1. If you buy clothes now, all you'll have is summer clothes for a baby born in the winter.  Unless you are buying them for NEXT summer, then you will just have clothes you can't put on your baby until, well next summer.  Waiting until the fall/winter season is smarter because then you will have clothes appropriate for the season.

  2. Sometimes the baby doesn't cooperate during the ultrasound and they get the gender wrong. Just ask some of the labour & delivery nurses about expecting one gender and the other comes out.

    One thing though, if you do start buying clothes now don't get too much in NB or 0-3 clothes. At this point you don't know what size your baby will be, and they really don't stay in the clothing too long at those ages. My son started wearing 3-6 month clothing at 2.25 months and he was only 7lb 6.25oz when he was born. He's three months now and just an oz below 14lbs.

  3. Your mother know what she's doing. Trust her.

  4. You can go shopping whenever you want, your baby! The best way to go about shopping for clothes is to buy a few outfits at a time so by the time the baby get's here, you'll have enough clothes and you won't have to go on a spree and spend all the money at once!

  5. she is probably thinking about how you will be given so much baby clothes at showers and what not. i would listen to your mom. shes been here b4. also the baby will outgrow its clothes so shouldnt buy too much.

    the person who mentioned seasons is on top of it.. why buy a bunch of summer clothes for a winter baby?

  6. your the mom of your baby.. not your mom.. start shopping whenever you like..

  7. You do need to wait, but not until December.  The reason why you need to wait is because right now, all that is being sold is warm season clothes. You need cold season clothing.  By October or November, there will be plenty to choose from appropriate for a winter baby.  In December, some will go on sale.

  8. Well I would start asap,  Go for the Clearance racks.  I think your mom is worried about the type of clothes that are out right now, they will be mostly summer clothes.  If you do find something cheap that is more for summer think of how old your baby will be in the summer and get that size other wise just make sure you get winter clothes, they may be easier to find closer to winter but then again you may still be able to find them on sell right now.  

    I would say start soon that way it is not a big expence all at once

  9. whats your question i think i know yiou should aty least wait a week just to make sure everything was right in the ultra sound and everything and this is for everyone if you would like to check out my first question on my page if you go to my profile and press my questions or whatevr and you click on the first question  feel free to answer it thanks bye

  10. I would think you would have already started there are plenty of clothes that can be for a boy or a girl not just pink and Blue besides I hate having that point of view since I hate the color pink. I swear I will kill the frist person who ask why isn't your little girl in pink when I have a baby.  Seriously though you can get reds and  yellows and whites and black these two are always good since they can go with anything and any gender just make sure you geta few sizes bigger then newborn two as I have heard  a lot of babies grow so fast that they out grow the newborns ina week or two

  11. you dont have to wait, in fact its better to start shopping for your baby asap so you can spread the expenses over an amount of time. the only problem is, right now, baby clothes in stores are really for summer time and your having a winter baby. start shopping for your crib and things like that, and if you do buy any clothes now, make sure its things that are going to be appropriate for the weather when your baby will fit it. also, ultrasounds earlier in the pregnancy can be wrong, so you may want to wait for a ultrasound later on to verify the gender.

  12. Well most people have beliefs about luck and buying stuff too early... but you should start buying in your 3rd trimester... I haven't had money to buy anything during this pregnancy... and not that I am getting close to the end I am stressing out on how I am going to get everything done... Maybe talk to your mom and work it out....

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