
I find out what s*x the baby is tomorrow, we you nervous???

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With my son the ultrasound tech just told me before they even asked if I wanted to know. So I didn't know I was going to find out then. With this pregnancy we have been waiting to find out and now that it is tomorrow I am super nervous. I really want a girl and I don't want to seem disappointed if its a boy. Was anybody else nervous especially about their reaction if it wasn't they hoped for ? I will be happy if the baby is healthy I really am just hoping for a girl but I don't want to seem upset and disappoint my boyfriend. Did anyone else feel like that?




  1. For some reason I just new I was having a boy !!!!!  

    So when they told me I was like ok, my husband wanted a girl, how funny i wanted a boy

  2. we both wanted a boy and were extremely nervous this morning about finding out and when they told us it was a girl we were both a little disspointed but we are very happy that she is healthy and growing as normal as it seems. but yes i totally felt the same!

  3. Your feelings are completely normal! Many women worry about "gender disappointment" when they are pregnant. Do not feel bad! I do advise you not to appear too disappointed if it is a boy, for the sake of your boyfriend; hopefully your disappointment will wear off before too long and you'll be just as happy as if you were having a girl. If after a few weeks or months you still find you're upset, you may need to talk to someone about it.

    One solution is to just let the gender be a surprise! You'll be so excited to see your new baby that the gender won't seem like a big deal at all, even if it's not the gender you originally wanted.

    I'm including an article on overcoming gender disappointment as well, you may find it interesting.

    Good luck!

  4. I really wanted a girl and my mum really wanted me to have a girl.  So I booked the sexing scan so we could find out and go and but loads of pink clothes :)

    Just before my scan I was super nervous and just knew that I was having a boy, there was no doubt in my mind what would show up and I told everyone this.  Had the scan and low and behold it was a boy.  I felt strange because I had so wanted a boy I wasn't disappointed as such but maybe because I had thought it was a boy (just a couple of hours b4 the scan i thought this) and seeing him wriggling about and things I realised it didn't matter.

    It did take me a few weeks to get used to, I went out and bought lots of boys things to make myself believe it lol :)  

  5. We're the same way nervous as h**l as what our reactions will be if it's a girl (we both really want a boy).... It was a girl last time for my fiancee who really wanted a girl.. this time he wants a boy... so I'd hate to see his reaction if its a girl.... but we don't find out until the 2nd:(

  6. well for some reason i had it absolutely stuck in my head that i was going to have a boy, and i actually had my appt. to find out for sure 8.22 and they told me i was going to be having a girl. i couldn't hide being upset because i wanted a boy so bad, and i had already picked out his name. now im completely fine with it and really excited, the best thing was that my fiance wanted a girl and his reaction was adorable.

  7. When we found out I was carrying twins, my husband immediately wanted a boy and a girl. We found out I was having twin girls and he wasn't at all dissapointed. He was so over the moon about 2 more girls that he could spoil as we have a daughter already.

    I didn't really care what the s*x of the twins were, I was just so excited!  

  8. With my second pregnancy I kind of wanted a girl too. I wasn't sure if I wanted to find out or just wait. My husband ended up talking me into finding out and so we did. It was a boy. When I first found out to be honest, my heart sank. I didn't cry or anything I was just a bit scared. I was happy because he was healthy but I wasn't sure if I'd be a good Mom to a boy. Boys always seemed to be so hyper.  I was happy I found out early because it took a few months to get use to the idea. Then by time he was due I was happy and ready for him.

    My son is 2 1/2 yrs old now and I am soooo in love with him. He is great. My life would not be complete without him. So believe me no matter what you have you will be thrilled.  

  9. I could understand how you would feel nervous. My boss's wife has 5 boys. With #4 she really wanted a girl and when they told her it was a boy she was disappointed and she said she felt really bad for feeling that way. So with #5 she said she didn't care either way. Good luck I hope you get your girl. But I do have to tell you I have 2 of each and boys are so much easier.  

  10. I was really nervouse before finding out. I was sure we were going to have a little boy and was sooo looking forward to that. When the tech said it was a girl tears started to fill my eyes and i felt so guilty for being dissapointed. It took a few days to get over the shock but im soooooo excited to be having a little girl and so is my hubby. Im sure even if your having another boy he will be loved and adored just as much as if you have a girl. Just know that its ok to be emotional about it which ever way it goes. God has blessed you with a baby, boy or girl. Good luck!

  11. I am expecting #2, and really thought it was a boy! I really wanted another girl (our first is a girl), but was convinced it was a boy, and I'd be happy either way. It's a girl, I was so suprised, I didn't believe it, and I was so happy I was crying LOL. nothing is cooler then seeing your little peron on the screen!

  12. I'm actually waiting until the baby is born, but I'm secretly hoping for a girl. I just keep on imagining my reaction if once it comes out they say, "it's a girl", vs. "it's a boy!"

    I hope it's not obvious when it's time.

  13. Oh yes!  My husband and I were sooo nervous.  We really wanted a baby boy for our first, but we are having a girl.  Honestly, it took us a while to get used to the idea of a girl, but slowly we did and we are so excited to have a girl coming into our family. :-D  As long as she's healthy we don't care about her gender.  We love her already!

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