
I find that lots of people Religious and non religious alike are more interested in afterlife?

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whats the reason behind this unproveable theory of an afterlife?




  1. Good will reap good and shall be rewarded, bad will reap bad and will be reflected.

    What's your life condition at present is due to your past life that you have accumulate on your good or bad deeds with merits.

    Compare yourself to others who are less fortunate born in complicated families, born without parents and left to die on the streets and born in countries with not so good leaders in governance.

    There's a saying from what I have read, saying:- Its not easy afterlife to be born in a good country with good leadership.

    So, I consider myself lucky able to be born here with a compassionate goverment.

    So if you are really interested in yourself and your family  afterlife, start reflecting. Thats the proven theory not seen or reflected by most people.


    people dont care of what they have....they arent interested in living the life and enjoying most of it.....they just keep bragging on what they dont this hi-fi modern world...people dont enjoy what they themselves invented but try to invent more more more more and more.....

  3. It feeds escapism and makes people easier to control.

  4. It burned into us.  For most of us, it is crammed down our throats from childhood.  If grow up hearing people constantly talking about jetting off to the Bahamas to lay on the beach, you slowly but surely start to have that same urge without ever going.  Also, it is hard for people to come to the conclusion that this is it.  They need to feel that life, in sort form or other, will be forever.  That can't accept that this may be all there is.  Look at nuns.  To me, it is more of a slap in the face to God than praise.  He (she or it) has 'blessed' you with the gift of life, but instead of living it to the fullest, they've decided to use it to thank him for said gift.  It's like I gave you a ice cream cone.  Instead of eating and enjoying it, you put it on the table and turn to thank me for giving you a ice cream for the next hour.  Just to turn around and see that it has melted.

  5. Life is short... you eat an ice cream and choke

    people wonder what they are all working so d**n darn hard for

  6. We live surrounded by death, it's only natural that our own will be in our thoughts at some time. The pain other people's deaths give us makes us question the basis for living.

    If there is an afterlife and it is better than here, than were we sent here as a punishment, as preschool to the next life or for endless possible reasons. The alternative to an afterlife, is nothingness. Would that nothingness affect the masses negatively or positively. Would it make people more selfish, less selfish. So many questions.

    The only reason I'm not an aethiest has to be the personal experience I've encountered by chance with spirits, or what you may prefer to call ghosts. As these were positive experiences and not hallucinations, as clear and as real as the sky above and the earth beneath my feet. Then I am unable to declare that an afterlife does not exist.

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