
I find this alarming. Do you?

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It doesn't appear that a lot of student musllims see integration as necessary or desirable They polled 600 muslim students and 800


Almost one in three Muslim students in the UK believe it justifiable to kill in the name of their religion, a poll has shown.

Most of those said such extreme action was acceptable to defend Islam from attack but a small number (4%) said it was OK to kill to promote it.

Some 40% backed the incorporation of Sharia law into British law but Muslim students were fairly evenly split over whether controversial aspects such as punishment or stoning should be included - 32% deeming them sacred and inviolable and 34% agreeing Sharia could be modernise




  1. Absolutely shocking. I read this with real concern, even allowing for the propensity of the media to take any 'issue' and sensationalise it for the purposes of selling copy, this has to be a major concern.

    It must raise the issue as to whether Muslim students from 'foreign' states should be allowed entry into the UK at all, in case they further radicalise 'home grown' Muslim students.

    It should also focus the attention of the state, via the schools minister, on investigating what is taught in Islamic faith based schools in the UK, how much emphasis is put on integration and the tolerance of other faiths should be thoroughly checked and not fudged using phrases like 'voluntary codes' but rigorously prescribed and enforced to ensure compliance.

    To kill in the name of God is a complete anti-thesis of everything God desires and must be associated with evil.

    It must be utterly condemned from all areas of society including leaders of all faiths and none. We must not allow fear of violence from one group of 'confused' individuals to drive other groups to take action in anticipation.

    The bombings in Turkey and India that have happened over the weekend show how murderous and evil are the actions of people who choose violence to 'promote' their ideology.

  2. No, I am in the process of actually reading this thing rather than relying on the tabloid sound bites, I’m only at about page 26 but have already found the fact, not mentioned in the media, that only 25% even among Muslims who were members of their university’s Islamic societies said that their friends were mainly Muslim, so 75% had friends from other backgrounds, gives a different view on ‘integration’.

    You can have a look at it here, please peruse the full version and not the executive summary, and compare it with what the media have portrayed:

  3. there are lies, dam*ed lies, and statistics. -mark twain

  4. I'd like to see the full report but if this is true then yes it is very frightening. POWER TO THE MAJORITY!

  5. I'd be interested to see the actual study and review the methodology.

  6. don't believe everything you read

    there have been plenty of newspapers (most notably the daily mail) that have written blatant lies about muslims

  7. I think thats very frightening.

  8. So two out of three don't feel the same way.

  9. Stoning??? They need to stop living in the Dark Ages.

  10. im glad i dont live in the uk

  11. Where is the Question?

  12. I find it a lot more frightening that people are burying there heads in the sand and pretending its not happening

  13. Am I alone in predicting that Muslims long-term aim is a seperate society within UK borders.

    Seperate Muslim schools by dint of private funding or by filling the population of a particular area.

    Seperate Muslim financial institutions,(Islamic banks) effectively working outside UK control.

    Seperate Muslim neighbourhoods that create electoral voting blocks.

    Seperate Muslim law, (Sharia) as yet officially unadopted, but I too, would like to choose between two versions of the law.

    Seperate Muslim businesses, effectively immune from competition law and government oversight, (Muslim insurance).

    Seperate Muslim religious institutions, including the largest religious building in Europe, (the pending Stratford Mosque and Madrassa).

    A seperate Muslim political party.

    Allowing all of these institutions is tantamount to creating a shadow country within UK borders, a shadow country with an agenda.

    We expend enough of our wit and promise debating the devolution of Scotland, Ireland and Wales, without creating a nation not of our choosing.

    Our political betters should look down the road and see if there's trouble ahead.

  14. this is a labour party nightmare that we will all be handing to our children to cope with. the thought of my Grand children living as second class citizens under Islamic rule and Sharia law makes me shudder. i don't care much about the British adults. their cowardice 'in their refusal to fight' against immigration and the government policies that set the invasion going  has caused this problem, and they deserve the price they will undoubtedly pay. but it is despicable to hand the nightmare of Islam to your children. British people need to go to Islamic country's to get an idea of what they are handing to their children.......most would be horrified. Britain is set to become a hate fuelled violent Islamic nightmare that our poor kids are going to have to cope it or not.

  15. They might hate the west but they aren't shy about denouncing western beliefs when they've got  their hand out demanding a free education.  They can preach hate all they want back in their own country where they belong.  Either they can integrate and respect western laws and religion or bugger off!

  16. If you changed the line to

    "1 in 3 thought it was ok to kill for what they believed in"

    would you think that the number was bad or low?  We all have beliefs and they are all misguided.

    We should ask people of all religion.  

    Where does any God ask for someone to kill in their name?

    In the Bible, God does his own dirty work.  Floods, Raining Fire, Egyptian Terror.

    Man is a misguided animal that promotes their own agenda through spirituality.  This is the jumbled outcome.

    (My comments are non religious specific, minus the Bible which is my own experience)

  17. The press is full of lies against non-Christians and non-white groups.

    I wouldn't believe a word they print.

  18. I don't to offend a religion or anything, but I think it is getting out of hand. I understand Muslim's hold deep beliefs, but killing people is a bad thing, and I should think that not killing people is a moral many people on earth believe in (at last in our modern times).

  19. I am a bit sceptical.  I would like to see the methodology used.  It seems very biased.

  20. quit hatin! Sharmootah!

  21. vote the b.n.p and kick the **** out of all the fundamentalists,if they cry for help and pull out the race card like they allways do, kick the **** out of them.U.K should not have to tolerate these scum!

  22. The same would apply to some other religions too. No need to single out Islam.

  23. This bit in particular worries me:

    "The poll found that most Muslim students (54%) would like to see the formation of an Islamic party to represent their views at Westminster".

    We don't do integration in the UK. We do multiculturalism instead and that means we encourage society to divide along cultural lines. These findings are no surprise to me. We've reaped what we've sown here in the UK.

  24. Having travelled in many Arab countries i found it alarming from the outset ,If there are two ideologies that do not mix it is Islam and Christianity. Islam is brainwashed into the Islamic child and like all religions are aggressive in the fact they try to perpetuate themselves by using there pupils  as enforcers . This is not a new thing all religions have done it from the beginning but time has softened the western religions not so for the Islamic creed because it advocates violence to achieve its ends . This is not exactly true to the Koran but its the facts it leaves out that have left loopholes  that have been seized on by the zealots and is now taking over . And our irresponsible governments have imported this violent and totally unsuitable religion into the heart of our country . With the PC brigade trying to kill of our insitutions and culture in favour of this stone age religion even to the state of considering sharia law as part of our own . only one man warned of this many years ago and said there will be blood on our streets and he was howled and shouted down , It seems that now we will haver to pay the price because of idiots for many years into the future , and our thousands of years old culture will be destroyed and we will return to the stone age as well.

  25. The source and wording of this survey are especially important.  Who is the "Centre for Social Cohesion"?  How were the questions put?

    You yourself might say you'd kill for something, wouldn't you?  You get presented with a hypothetical, then the results come out that you said something concrete.

  26. I miss Margaret Thacher

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