
I finished my first piece on canvas. Tell me what you think.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15

no prior art classes

and not done with touch ups




  1. GREAT! and well done!

  2. It is really cool!  And you will only get better.

    I see my first piece of art compare to today and there is a huge change.  Keep working, you are very talented.

  3. Amazing!! Awesome !!!

    Hot color combination used.And its very good at your stage as you said you are 15 and no prior classes.... Imagine that if you will take art classes then what you will create after that as without classes you do well and after classes it will be superb

    Good creativity.Modern Thinking.

    You must seek your future in this field and i am sure you will be on the top of success if you will work like this only

    Keep it up

  4. ahah thats wicked :)

    whats it done with btw?

    i like it.

  5. Honey don't ever put personal info out on the internet. Even just your age could be dangerous. you never know what kind of sickos are out there!

    I think your painting is Very original! good job and keep it up. I think it speaks to a very eclectic group and if you are interested in painting for profit I would assume you'd have quite a following!

  6. i think it looks cool. love the big headed thing.  

  7. I think it is very well done but I wouldn't hang it on my bedroom wall.

    You really went all out. It looks like a comic book artist, Van Gogh and Henri Matisse smashed themselves into one 15-year-old girl and came out with that. Good job.

  8. That is soooooooooooo cool!!!! And very creative i would so buy that but im saving up to shop in NY

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