
I finished my multiple subject teaching credential in CA.?

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Jobs in Southern CA, are not looking too good. I am willing to relocate in CA, does anyone know where there is a need for teachers. I would like to stay close to urban communities as oppose to remote or rural areas.





  1. Employment is pretty bleak right now, but major cities (LA/SF) probably are better places to look.  Also Sacramento.  Many of the families in my area are moving out to Bakersfield because it's not as expensive.  You might try looking there.  Good luck to you.  I think my whole district hired 6 teachers this year.

  2. I have looked into this for myself and what I've learned is that the whole state is not looking good.  Enrollments are down, budget crisis, most districts are simply not hiring.  Did you try LA Unified?  It's a hellhole there, but you can't get any more urban than that.  If you're really willing to relocate, you should try another state.  Good luck.

    Email me if you want.  I'll tell you what district I work in and you can try your luck there.

  3. Depending on the subject you teach, need for teacher varies greatly throughout the state.  If you can't find anything, maybe you should consider relocating to different states?

    I'll be starting my credential program (Math), and from what I'm told, I won't have problem finding a school who needs Math teachers (as compared to some other subject).  So it all varies depends on what you teach.

    good luck

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