
I flunk the eight grade what can i do or what coarse can i take to get back with my pears??

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I flunk the eight grade what can i do or what coarse can i take to get back with my pears??




  1. hmm... just study really really hard and try to get B above grade in High school!

    That's all

    no need to go back!

    PLus, the colleges only look for high school grades!

  2. "pears" should be the least of your worries! Think education! I'm not trying to be rude, but try the sentence like this:  "I flunked the eighth grade, what can I do, or what course can I take to get back with my peers?"

    Come on!

  3. I don't know how you're going to easily catch up with your pears, apples, or oranges.  You might need to repeat your eighth grade coarse and fine.

    EDIT: How many times are you going to ask this same question?!  No wonder you flunked.  You don't listen.

  4. Study study and study. Take courses over the summer. What are the courses that are causing the problem? Get a tutor. If you work hard you should be able to catch up with them.

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