
I forget my bassword what can i do ?

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i forget my bassword what can i do




  1. what the h***s a bassword

  2. not familiar with the word bassword

  3. remember it. its that simple.  

  4. what was your password for?

  5. You might remember it tomarrow...


    help me with my question;...

  6. you remember it,

    Or explain to use wtf a bassword is

  7. Gean, don't be an *** you know he means password....

    Try using the find password tool on most websites. They will send something to your email to either help you reset it or tell you what it is.

  8. take a highword then :-)

  9. If you always forget your password, then pick one that you find easy to remember like a combination of your initials and a date that is fixed in your mind like Christmas.The alternative is to pick a simple word and write it down somewhere where you will find it easily and remind yourself but others will not know that it is your password, for instance your password could be "computer" .

    If you have completely forgotten a password for an external website, often they send an email reminding you of it if you click on "forgotten your password?", or they give you a new one.

    Since your message is posted on here, your password for yahoo is obviously still working and you may remember it later. If not you can always reset a new one.

    Good luck!

  10. Buddy, I am afraid you misspelled it... Is it a password or bassword.

    If its password then what is it for... be specific otherwise we will not be able to help you.

  11. Sa oot varmaan suomalainen, ootko? Salasanako unohtui?

    Autan mielellaan jos olet, itse asun Australiassa. Kukaan muu ei tietenkaan tata ymmarra.

  12. wtf  

  13. did you mean password? more specific please? password for what?

  14. ask your wommy.  

  15. not really sure what a bassword is. you could google it.

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