
I forget so many things, i dnt kno why. what shud be done because i forget even the important things?

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I m only 23. Many times i forget the very important things to be done and realise it when it too late. or sometimes when mom tells me something, i say .. u never told me this...




  1. you smoke / drink  excessively ? nicotine / alchohol  can cause this . if you dont smoke then the other cause could be that there is a concentration problem.

    may be you are thinking about some thing and your brain works on that and it doesnot register what your mom had told you . ie you were not conscious about what your mom told you . so it cannot be recollected later.

    if you let thoughts wander and there is a sequence of thoughts always in your mind then this is the root problem.

    other causes are due to age which can be ruled out as you are only 23.

    also may be your attention span is too low that you tend to ignore what is told to you .

    it needs some effort from you to get this rectified .

    1) start by noting down things to remember .

    2) make sure you listen when some one talks to you . ie stop thinking and just listen. later you can train to handle both thinking and listening together.

    3) make an effort to register things onto your mind . like repeating what was told to you . or like asking questions to confirm understanding .

    4) excercise your brain by solving puzzles and maths .

    5) follow sequences in double checking routine jobs - like some people forget to lock the house when leaving home . to train to remember - follow a sequence like taking the key and registering that action on to the mind . then closing the door and registering that to the mind , then inserting the key into the lock and so on .....

    6) read about this in this website

  2. if you have your cell phone then you will surely have an application "To Do". So enter your tasks and set reminders for all that.

  3. write the matters on a note and that will be useful to you

  4. smoking Mary J will do this.



  5. i think you need to do some yoga for your poor memory.believe me,there is yoga that helps.try some mind games to boost your brain will be difficult at first but you'll catch on.try brainy games like crossword and word search.i hope i helped you and you won't forget anything important like choosing mine as best answer.

    and PLEASE answer this for me-;...

  6. well sometimes it happens if u r stressed out too much so first of i would suggest to keep your personal and proffesional life into their respctive places bringing them together means u will find yourself entagled between the two

    try to do some meditation it would be benificial if u do it early in the morning,being an Indian i gaurante u that it increases your memory power.

    then if u have any addiction-drinks,drugs etc try to quit them

    for your forgetfullness i would suggst that u must note down the important events in your personal diaryor something of that sort and make it apoint to flip through its pages daily whitin two hours interval

    u can even paste a paper mentioning all your important tasks in your bedroom or wherever u feel u visit often

    u can even ask your mom to make u remember all yourt tasks of the day donot feel shy about it as i have heard even many bussinss men doing this.

    it will take some time to adjust into this routine but u will b highly benifitted by it all the best

  7. 1.In my view it may due to the fact that you are  thinking too many  things and in confused,stressed,fearfull,disturbed Condition.

    2.First you have to leave all the confusions and sarrows

    3.Doing Yoga(learn from a good teacher) regularly will help you 100%.

  8. Visit a psychiatrist immediately.This may be the start to a problem which I dont want to name.It is curable and you will be fine.Yoga will also be of help (meditation) as it increases the mind power.

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