
I forgot about my jury duty obligtion and failed to call-in for the entire 2 week duration. Any advice?

by  |  earlier

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The term of my service was to be 8/6/07 to 8/17/07 (today's date is 8/26/07). I can't believe it completely slipped my mind until today when I was looking for a spot to put a football schedule up on the fridge! Does anyone think or know if it would be wise to call and just be honest about my pathetic memory and ask to be re-scheduled for another jury pool?




  1. I did that once, I called and the just rescheduled me.

  2. What ended up hapenning to you? I was a call in prospective juror (for County of Orange, CA) and I just remembered last night that I forgot to call in when I was supposed to almost 2 weeks ago.  I'm getting ready to call and let them know now but wanted to check with you first to see what might hapenn.... :(  You weren't fined 1,000 or sent to jail for 5 days?!?

  3. You had better call, they will let you know if a warrant has already been issued for your arrest.  If not, you may be able to head it off.

  4. i missed mine several times and so far when i call them they say ok.and send out another i told them i over looked it or i forgot no worries

  5. Forget the football schedule and get a calender.

    Don't know what the penalties are where you live but I'll bet you'll have to make a court appearance.

    Be sure to enter the date on your new calender.

    You might also want to  take advantage of the calender on Yahoo. Enter the date and select the option you want and you'll get an email reminding you of up coming events

  6. dont worry about it , nothing will happen

  7. man you better run...... when you start to hear those police sirens..

    nope just kidding but ya better call them..

  8. don't worry, you will enjoy the jail food.

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