
I forgot how to laugh?

by  |  earlier

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I used to laugh a lot, but past couple years I dont. Now I can't make laughter sounds, like I can find s**+\s funny, but dunno how to laugh.. Like wtfF??




  1. Serious?

    You've developed an inhibition. You need to break it.

    Close yourself up alone in a room and watch DVDs of comedians, funny movies, etc., and laugh your *** off, exaggeratedly, for however many days/weeks it takes, until you get your natural laugh back.

  2. Same here actually xD I laugh in a variety, and my friends are all like in this mode when i laugh: o.o

    So...Im guessing smirking or practicing in front of the mirror, or asking family members?

    Hope I helped >.<

  3. it was better to tell your age. as you know the world of a child, a teenager,a youth, a middle-aged ,... are different, also their needs and problems.

    when you concentrate on the problems and forget your abilities and skills and joys for a long period, your heart is fulfilled with sadness and at last can ruin you.

    all of the people have various problems, but the art's to find a solution. stand strongly and leave the sorrows away.

    laughter will come back  

  4. Umm.................. Well my friend you have a problem called Farmer Joes all Tobacco No tobacco Cigarettes... It stops your laughing

    Nah man Im not sure why you are not laughing anymore Go see maybe a doctor or something

  5. the same thing happened to my cow, she was laughing a lot, but nowadays ... alas. she cant. May be due to the abscense of a mate? hello dear try to find out a mate. dont be angry

  6. Hmm, the same thing happened to me. Whenever I see something funny, I kinda laugh through my breath, instead of Laughing out loud, Its like it feels to awkward to do that. I wouldn't worry about it, it might go away as you get older, how old are you now?

  7. oh my, you need a therapist. something is really wrong. you cannot live without laughter my friend.

  8. instructions of how to make your hampster a fighting machine:

    materials: one hampster, a roll of duck tape, and a knife.

    step one take your hampster and put the knife on TOP of it

    step two use the roll of duck tape to tape the knife to your hampster

    step three find a friend to fight

    step four let loose and let them have at it

    now i should warn you that if your hampster looks anything like this: (describes a bloody and stabbed dead hampster with duck tape all over) then youve done something wrong, something very, very wrong.

  9. Sounds like depression, you should see your doctor if U are serious.

  10. Always look on the bright side of life, (whilste babom, babom, babomdedomdedom!)

  11. Oh...I'm very sorry to hear that...

    Why don't you watch some funny comedies or parodies on youtube (that always makes me feel better...) ^.^

    Or maybe just talk to someone, I pretty sure that they'll understand what ever it is that your going through!  

  12. look around for some really funny jokes... if you dont laugh at least once... go get a thereipist... and if your still not laughing when the therepist says "so how do you feel about that?" then i dont know what ur f*ng problem is...

  13. go see a therapist... that might be depression.

  14. ooooo, what has happened ??

    without laughter, everything'

    remember, laughter is the best go see a therapist. they will help you.

  15. your taking life way to seriously, laughter is a great way to stay well.
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