
I forgot to tell income support that I inherited?

by  |  earlier

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£103. I thought I would be be ok cos Peter Hain did the same thing recently, but now they are saying that they are going to stop my benefit and take me to Court. I told them that it was an administrative error and that I had sacked my secretary. It just isn't fair. What should I do?




  1. they are trash!!

  2. Tell them that you gave it to me as a 'gift' for my tooth filling on the NHS! I am sure they will believe that!!

  3. Was that £103 or £103,000?

    Obviously you failed to keep your labour party membership up to date so you deserve everthing you get!

  4. Tell the Judge exactly what you have told us, I am sure that he will dismiss the case over £103...

    It's always good to quote high profile cases.. It highlights the stupidity of the charge, and no Judge likes to look stupid.

    Also you could ask the Judge WHY is it in the INTEREST of the public that you should be in court. As under English law you can only be dunn IF it is in the interest of the public.. (or you have Peeeeed off the Queen) I bet he will not beable to explain.

    I hope this helps...


    Maybe they just want to take the heat off of Peter Hain !!!

  5. Lol. you have to be a politician to get away with things like that silly. to be honest, it will cost them heaps to take you to court, why dont you offer to pay it back in installments.

  6. god love you Reggie I hope that you have invested your nest egg wisely good luck to ya

  7. Understand that sarcasm doesn't work in this case, apologize again and offer to pay it up

  8. There's probably a strong case there. Discuss taking them to court with a lawyer.

  9. lol!! thanks for the giggle!!

    If Peter Hain goes to court he will be let off!!

    If you get to court you better expect to do time!!

  10. Let them take you to court! at worst you will get a very small fine,at best it will be thrown out and the benefit agency will be taken to task over the waste of taxpayers money.

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