
I forgot to tell my recruiter?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah taking meds for depression again, 20mg of prozak, bad but i took the practice asvab and my recruiter told me i should be fine to go up to meps and take the 3 hour long on, if after i pass i will take the physical and take the oath, all on the same day, but i haven't told my recruiter that i have been taking these meds? what should I do, Im lost?




  1. I'm going through the same thing right now with the Coast Guard.  I'm taking Welburtrin XL for anxiety, prescribed by my medical doctor.

    First off- talk to you recruiter to set things straight.

    You need to be off of your anti-depressant for a year before your recruiter can even think about processing your paperwork.  

    You can't just stop taking them on your own will. That can be detrimental to your mind and body.

    If you think you're sound without the medication-- talk to your doctor. If he/she thinks it's a good idea, they will start to ween (sp?) you off your medication. It has to be DOCUMENTED that you have been taken off your medication.

    The first step is to be upfront with your recruiter.

    Take the year to study for the ASVAB, work out and get into shape. That's what I'm doing :)

    Good luck.  

  2. You don't really need to tell your recruiter. That is usually a doctor patient privelage thing. Just be sure to tell the doctor when you take your physical. If that is enough to keep you out the doctor will be able to tell you, and you will just fail the physical. If the doctor doesn't think it's bad enough to effect your service, then you might not have a problem.

    But if you want to know if it will effect it before taking the 3 hours long test, then call the recruiter and tell him anyway. Likely he'll just tell you to take the physical anyway and see what the doctor says because he wants you in there.

    Good luck.

  3. you need to tell someone. be it the recruiter or the doc at meps. i don't think they will shoot for the whole fraud. enlistment thing.  so, i wouldn't really sweat that. but, i promise you....they don't hand out prozac at boot.  plus, i am not really sure that you can even go to boot on antidepressants.

  4. I recommend you tell your Recruiter.  You will waste your time and his by going to MEPS.  Antidepressants are Medical Disqualifiers.  Your Recruiter might get mad at you, but he/she will be more angry when they take you to MEPS and you get medically disqualified.  

  5. You need to tell your recruiter because being on antidepressants is a medical disqualifier. Otherwise he'll do all your paperwork and send you up to MEPS only to have you disqualified there - so please don't waste his or your time... Just give him a call and let him know you went back onto antidepressants.

  6. If you don't tell him, they'll find out and book you for fraudulent enlistment. You can not be in BASIC on anti-depressants.

  7. just tell him. but I'm no expert. I can't really understand your question

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