
I found 2 dead mice in my basement about 1 foot away from each other. What would cause them to die like that?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have a cat and there is no way for a cat to get in there we just moved in about a month ago and actually power-washed the entire basement cause previous owners had multiple cats and it smelled really bad.




  1. Ummmm... a cat.  THey commonly leave their toys out to show off after they have finally killed them.  Sounds like a kitty has designated your basement its personal graveyard.

  2. Sounds like a clear case of murder suicide to me.


  3. Maybe starving or they were sick.

  4. Were they male and female?  EXHAUSTION!

  5. mold?

  6. Starvation?  Your place is obviously too clean, not even a crumb for the vagabond mice!

  7. Natural Causes? other then that they were Sick.

    Nothing else can cause mice to die like that, mice would just leave if there was no food to eat, and if it was full of predators they would not even be there in the first place!

    Just count your blessings it is not something dangerous like a poison, if it can kill mice it can kill people!

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