
I found 2 little birds with broken wings, and our neighbors cat almost ate it. What should I do? ?

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The Audubon Society won't contact me back and I've been feeding them grains of rice (uncooked), bread crumbs, and dog food (my friends mom who's an animal expert said to. I asked her what to do and she said to contact the Audobon Society which didn't work...) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Ok. First of all no rice especially uncooked as this can make their belly blow up. Stop that asap. Get in touch with a vet that takes in injured wildlife. Most of them do and it is free. Or they can refer you to a wildlife rehabber in your area. This is also free. you just have to transport. Put the birds in a makeshift nest made of cool whip bowl with tissue for warmth. Put bowl and birds in a box in case they try to jump out. put a heating pad set on low underneath the box. Feed them meal worms that you can get at pet store or hand feeding formula depending on age. Also may feed them dog or cat food that has been soaked in water with excess drained off. Cut in tiny pieces and give to them. Or can mush to applesauce texture and give. If they are old enough fully feathered you can also try placing shallow dish of seed with meal worms and different fruits finely chopped up for them. Just no avocado. Toxic to them. Do not give water if they are to young. If old enough offer in shallow bottle cap only. If the wings are drooping low and look bad they are most likely broken. Make sure though. As if these are fully feathered babies and on ground and flapping but not flying they could be fledglings which means they are new to being out of the nest and live on the ground for the first few days and mom and dad bird come and feed them wherever they are. Unfortunatly cats get these birds alot as they cannot fly well. They hop, flop, try to flap. So make sure they are really hurt. If you decide they are not then put back where you found them and parents will feed them when they hear thier cries. It wont matter that you touched them they have bad sense of smell. Good luck and hats off for caring. :)

  2. take them to a vet....

    and find some bugs like worms, caturpiller, rollie pollie, and crush some nuts, and fine soemal seeds....

    call the local vet, zoo, and such...

    email me if you have any questions!

  3. Do not take them to a vet unless you are made of money.

    Put them into a shoebox with grass and leave them alone.  If they survive until tomorrow, it will be a miracle.  Do not feed them.  They are in shock.  If their wings are broken and a cat touched them, they could be saved to the tune of $1000 each including surgery, antibiotics, etc, etc.  

    People who let their predators kill baby birds are not good animal friends.  Just make them comfortable so they might die in peace.  

  4. uncooked rice.... ??? havent u heard about not feeding birds uncooked rice cause it expands in their stomach and kills them?

    I would deffinetly stop feeding them that.

    If they are very young birds, go to your local pet store (ie. petsmart) and get the solution for baby birds. It has all the nutrition they need. In addition younger birds need more food because they use up a lot of energy, so keep that in mind. When your feeding your bird the liquid solution feed the bird from the side of its beak and NOT straight on. A bird can choke easily that way. Don't squirt too fast either.

    About the wings, if you have the money I would suggest going to a vet. If not then I would suggest searching the internet. You might find free vets that answer questions online, give that a try.

    For a bird to stay healthy it must eat pellets and not just be fed seeds (seeds compare to McDonalds for us). Pellets have all the vitamins they need and they come in many different flavors. I would get a small sized pellet since the birds are probably fatigued and out of energy and wont be able to bit through the larger pellets. Also feed your bird fresh vegies. Keep in mind that all fruit CORES are poisonous to birds (ie. apple core). Also chocolate, coffee, avocados are very lethal to birds. A birds nutrition should be like ours 1/4 protein, 1/4 grain, 2/4 fruit and vegies. (you'll probably have better luck with vegies).

    Anyways I hope this helps. If your still lost and cant afford the vet bills go to your local petstore and talk to the department head for the bird section, they should be able to help/give you good ideas.

    Hope it all goes well!!!!! best of luck.

  5. OMG. Dont ever feed it rice. You will kill it. It swells up in there belly.

    You can feed it Dogfood that has been setting in hot water for a couple hrs until its soggy.

    Well first off you need to get them in a safe and quiet room.

    Does it have feathers? ANy at all, does it stand? If its featherless and pink its a newborn, if it has feathers its a fledgling.

    If its unable to sit on finger or stand well you need to keep them warm with a heatingpad(low not too hot) and get an old towel and shap it like a nest shape than ge a washcloth and spread it over the baby birds. This is only if they have no fathers.

    You need to go to the petstore and get some formula. Formula for all birds. Get one cup and fill it with 1 cup of formula and one cup of warm water( The little cup that came with formula). Mix it well and use a syringe to feed it. Dont do too much at a time or it may regergitate. DONT give it water. It will choke. There is the right amount of water in the formula needed. Dont feed it worms. They have bacteria that could hurt them, only mom can break it down.

    When they are fledgling which it has feathers and can hop around then they can eat watermelon pieces, mealworms(HEADS cut off or they will eat its insides), bananas pieces, veggies pieces, and seeds(wild bird seed). Unless it cant hopp or sit on your finger or have any feathers you can feed him formula and he other foods listed. If he is pecking at stuff when you hold it then he doesnt need syringe. Only a bird cup.

    If its able to sit on your finger and hop on the ground It needs a cage, perches, and feed/ water cups. The cage can be for a cockatiel, thats a fine sixe for it. Cut up all the foods listed and place them in the food dich and sprinkle seeds on the bottom of the cage and mealworms(With heads cut off) on the bottom, it teaches them how to foriege. You can even add a mirror. It keeps them intertained. Make sure that you keep the cage cleam with newspaper on the botom. The bird will be more happier. Place the cage near a window to calm him down as well.

    When he can fly you can release him outside. As long as he can fly. He may come to you for food though. You could even keep him if you would like but get a bigger cage for thim.



  6. Are you sure these are not baby birds that have just not learned to fly yet??  I find it to be quite a coincidence that you would find 2 birds with broken wings together.  Also, rice does not kill birds, this is an old wives tale, many wild birds feed on rice.  However, who knows if this is a suitable diet for the species of bird you found.  Please follow these instructions:

    If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly. You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it. If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest. Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched. If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival. If you cannot reach the can make a "nest" using a basket or pail with handle and adding grass and twigs for warmth. Tie it up as close as possible to the original nest location. Watch from afar to see if adults are tending to the baby..keep your distance as you will be considered a predator and the parents will not come to feed if they see you. Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own. Look for a rehab here:

  7. Do you have another wildlife shelter around you?  Or a zoo?  I'd call them and ask.  If they have broken wings and nobody will help you they will die.  I would also call any vets around you.  They may be able to help.  Good luck.

  8. feed them baby food and put them in a shoebox. feed them through a seringe. if you live near philly i could take them in but i doubt you do.

  9. but the wing in a brace

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