
I found $3,000 under a big dumster on my way to work.?

by  |  earlier

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should I report to police and keep it?

i was walking to work and that day I took a short cut through an alley way where drug dealer and bum are usually seen. I saw that $3000 bundled up under the dumpster near the wheels.




  1. Why is a drug dealer and bum hanging out together?  

    Keep it. Why would you report it?

  2. Keep it..

  3. Put it back before the drug dealer finds you.  Your life may depend on it.

  4. Open it and see if ink sprays all over you LOL

  5. KEEP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... BUY NEW RIMS FOR YOUR CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!honest people will report this to the police. It's your desicion

  6. its gold before the dollar is worthless

  7. find your story implausible. Why would you look under a dumpster?  If true,  keep the money.  It is yours and if true congratulations.

  8. Keep it. If you feel guilty, pay taxes on it, lol.

  9. finders keepers losers wipers

    keep it shoot the most the police will do with it is buy themselves some lunch i say keep it.

  10. You just happened to see $3K under a dumpster?  Did you pick the dumpster up and look under it?  Were you dumpster diving?  Who in their right mind would walk through an alley where a drug dealer and  bum hang out.  Druggies and bums don't hand together.  I find this hard to believe.  If you found something, keep it.

  11. i am an honest person and normally i would turn that in, but it probably belongs to a dealer and they are just going to spend it on more crack or whatnot. so in my mind your helping them=]

  12. Turn it into the police.  I believe you can claim it after 30 days if the owner doesn't turn up.  Don't keep it without turning it's unethical.  Also very likely drug money and may be considered evidence if something went down there recently.

    Also consider that it may be counterfeit. Do you want to be arrested for spending it?

  13. Turn it in it is probably counterfeit.

  14. Well, sometimes drug dealers get homeless pple to do drug errands for them, so that is believable.  That way if there is a bust the homeless person goes down for it and the dealer may get away.

    If it is drug money they will be coming to find you.  They do get cranky if someone messes with the profit.

  15. you lucky son of a ***** lmao

    but report it to the police its the rite thing to do and if the money is coded or some **** like that and someone finds out ull be in deep trouble man

    so report it to the police

    good luck

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