
I found a BABY bird who i think it might die i took it in the house and put a blanket on him what should i fee

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feed the BABY bird my sister said that the birds mom has to feed it is this true?? and wut should i feed the baby?? helpp?? remember its a baby bird that might of been born 2day or yesterday




  1. Take it to the vet and leave it.  Whatever you do don't put it back outside because now that you've touched it...its mother wont ever come back to it.

  2. u hav to"blend" it some how bcause it cant swallow a whole worm it mother would naturally chew it swallow it and regurgitate it

  3. If it's very young, you'll know because it will have naked skin, or just pins where the feathers will be later. If it has all its feathers in then it is a fledgling and you need to leave it outside where its parents can take care of it, it is still learning how to fly but I can assure you it will be perfectly fine, taking it in the house is the worst you can do for a feathered baby because you are taking it away from its parents when they would normally be teaching it how to fly and survive on its own.

    If it doesn't have all its feathers, the best thing you can do is find a wildlife rehabilitator near you--there's a good regional list at take it to them. It is illegal to keep a wild bird yourself, you can't care for it properly, but a rehabber can give it everything it needs and do everything possible to make sure it survives and goes back to live in the wild.

    In the meantime, buy some canned cat food and try to feed it little pieces. Cat food is meat, so it is full of protein which baby birds need. Most wild birds, even the seed-eating ones, feed their babies bugs so they get lots of protein when they're little; feeding a baby bird bread (or seeds) is filling but doesn't give them any protein or nutrients which they need to grow. It can work to tide them over for a bit before you take them to a rehabber or get something better to feed them, but doesn't make a good long-term diet at all, and a lot of birds that are raised on bread end up with rickets because they didn't get the nutrition they needed when they were young.

    Also, you should absolutely never feed a bird milk or worms, no matter how old it is--birds can't digest milk and it will only make it sick, and worms can carry parasites which could kill the baby! I also don't recommend trying to use formula, because even though that could potentially be better for it than cat food (it depends on what kind of bird it is), it isn't good to try if you've never hand-fed a bird before; you could accidentally give it formula that is too hot (burning its throat) or too cold (making it sick). The temperature you need to use often depends on what kind of bird it is, and this kind of information is rarely available for wild birds because people aren't supposed to try to raise them themselves. Birds' throats are also split down the middle, with one half being the throat and the other the windpipe, so unless you know which side is which you could choke the bird on accident. :(

  4. well since they eat meat you should feed them chicken and cream mixed with milk and warm it up i had a baby bird i fed it that it grew up but died from old age  

  5. the same thing happened to me when i was like 8.

    ok you did good so far. just dip some bread in water so that its soft and move it a little in front of him and he should eat if he's wants too


  6. If you can find a nest that has other babies in it, then put the bird outside in the nest.  It is not true that birds can 'smell' a human touch on it, most birds do not have a sense of smell.  Also, they can't count, so even if you put the baby in the wrong nest, the mother will take care of it.  

    If you can't find the nest, call a vet or your local division of wildlife and ask them for the number of a local wildlife rehabilitator.  These people will have experience and should be able to take in your baby bird.  Baby birds are hard to identify, and each species requires different care, so it is important that you get it to an expert as soon as possible.  In addition, it's actually against both state and federal laws to keep a wild bird unless you have a permit for it, so you could be risking a fine and even federal prison time by keeping it.

  7. We've killed baby birds twice. Once, I think they smothered in the sock we gave and the second time...I don't know, they lasted 5 days. We tried really hard and mashed worms with water and fed them with a dropper around the clock. Now, I just leave them alone (prob. to die anyways).

    Good luck.

  8. If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly. You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it. If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest. Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched. If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival. Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own. Look for a rehab here:

  9. the same thing happened to me two days ago i went to the nearest pet store and bought bird feed called kaytee exact call any store and they should have it it will make your bird grow strong and many feathers but make sure to feed him every three to four hours you feed him to soon and the food will sour and the bird will definitley die oh and watever you do dont force feed it water you may think this helps but it doesnt and also make sure to buy yourself a syringe which is also at the pet store feed him/her in the right side of there mouth they will soon catch on and suck on the syringe my pigeon is still strong and happy also asleep right now its about time for me to feed him=)))

    good luck hope that this helps you out..!

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