
I found a MAGGOT in the organic kale i just bought from Whole Foods. I was boiling it and i noticed it...HELP?

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what do i do? Do i Have to throw out this entire pound of kale i just bought? will the boiling water kill the germs? (i scooped out the nasty maggot)...

do you think i am a sicko for actually considering eating it? (it was ExPENSIVE!!) or is it normal? how normal is it for this to happen? i am not a big cook...i needed someone to instruct me on how to boil kale, and now this happens?!?!?!

what do i do? keep the sample with the maggot and bring it in to whole foods demanding my money back??????? or eat the kale, boiled, (with the maggot not in there of course)??





  1. I personally, after finding that in my food, would not eat it.

    The food might have been expensive, but is ti worth your health? Think about it, if there was one, there might be more.

  2. The problem is, where there's one there's more and there may very well have been many more than the one you found; yes boiling will kill them but do you really want to eat boiled maggots?

  3. Take the whole thing back.  Find every hint of that maggot you found.  Take it back to the store as soon as they're open.  Don't take the chance w/maggots.  If there's one, there's more somewhere in that Kale mess.

  4. Ewww....gross! I would take it back and report it to Whole Foods and demand a refund! I would definitely not eat it now but that's me.

  5. Grow up.  You get maggots and suchlike occasionally with fresh organic food.  That's because it's not been treated with goodness knows how many poisonous chemicals.

    Boiling will kill all bacteria (if there happens to be any) as well as maggots.  You don't have to eat the maggot, but the kale will be just fine.

  6. Good idea to throw it away, but are you sure it was a maggot? A lot of insects could potentially be on fresh organic produce (after all, it did come from the ground and has no pesticides, which is why it's organic), and some of them may look like maggots but are something else.

    Regardless, in the future, wash your veg very, very carefully. Leafy greens should get at least 2-3 washings, even if it's the kind that comes in the bag and is already washed. A bug of the kind that lives and feeds on kale is not so unusual to find.

  7. oh yuck oh yuck oh yuck. super fear of maggots. make them replace it. show them the maggot. say oh yuck a few hundred times. poor poooooooooor dude.

  8. i would bring it back and get  a refund because what was the maggot doing in thier 1st place

  9. They will have no problem refunding your money. I found maggots in a sack of potatoes once. (not whole foods) and got a refund without even taking the product in. I was not about to touch it. It was crazy maggot infested. Needless to say, I no longer shop there. It isn't unusual especially organic foods. There were weevils in the save mart bulk bins just recently.

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