I was at a party at a park, and my niece found a little bird. I've checked on the internet, and by their descriptions i think its a fledgling Starling Songbird.
All the little kids were touching it and passing it around until i got it and kept it warm with my sweater. All the adults there were telling me that the parents weren't going to except it anymore because they would smell like "human."
I couldn't find a nest, so i took it home. i didn't want the parents to kill it, but now i read on the interent that thats not true.
So now i don't know what to do. They say its best to take it back to where it was found, but my parents don't want to take me because they say its too far away to go back.
I was scared because it didn't want to eat.
At the park it ate (about 4 hours ago), then it barely ate right now.
But it seems like it doesn't really like me.
I feel so bad because if it dies its my fault!