
I found a baby bird,and I don't know what type of bird or what I should feed it?

by  |  earlier

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I found a small baby bird in the parking of a hospital in Harbor City, California.It's a mixture of brown,black,& white.The beak is short with a small tounge.The beak has yellow on the end of both sides.And just make its short tweet.Every like three seconds anyone know what kind of bird this may be.




  1. If it can't fly, its nest is around there somewhere. Put it back in its nest. Don't worry that you touched it - birds have a very limited sense of smell and the parents won't avoid the bird just because a human touched it.

    Sounds like a chickadee but I think it might be a little late in the season for them to be fledglings. It's my best guess, though.

  2. you have to chew up some worms then spit them into its mouth....

    its true!

  3. I have no idea what species of bird you may have found however you can feed it bird seed or things such as rice oatmeal or nuts. If it is too young ground up rice, oatmeal or nuts through a syringe is what you will have to feed it.

  4. Does it look like this?

  5. could be any bird really. Try to find worms and such. Some tackle shops sell maggots and worms. Cut them in half or small pieces and put in in the beak using tweezers. (the bird should grab it if its lively) Keep it warm but not too hot of course.

  6. not sure but you could look it up on the internet or bird book

  7. Unless you can keep up with the feeding schedule, and that will be almost all you do for awhile, I suggest you get it to a vet.

  8. call your local animal shleter/rescue/pet store etc.

  9. For heavens sakes you are already on the computer, quit being lazy and look it up, it will tell you how to care for it too!

  10. maybe a sparrow?  Do not feed it worms, worms can cause gapeworm which can be fatal.  Never put liquid in a birds mouth as it can cause aspiration pneumonia which can also be fatal. Do not feed bread, hamburger or other things that people will tell you,  Do not give milk, birds are lactose intolerant.

    In a pinch you can soak dry dog food and blend to the consistency of oatmeal and feed from the end of a stir stick or a straw cut to a spoon shape.

    You need to try and find a wildlife rehanner in your area.  Does the bird fly?  Does it have all of its feathers?

    Put it in a container lined with paper towel or something similar and cover it with a towel.  Keep the bird warm and in a quiet location.

    Please read my profile and follow the links to Starling Talk to find the info you need to help this bird.  Good Luck and great rescue!

    A baby bird will refuse food when full so over feeding is not something likely to happen....

    It is illegal to raise wild birds unless they are the non-native  House Sparrow, European Starling or Pigeon BUT it is not illegal to rescue an orphaned or injured bird....

  11. If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly. You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it. If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest. Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched. If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival. Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own. Look for a rehab here:

  12. Better to send a photo graph of this bird so that any person with good knowladge of birds can guide you.

    once I caught a bird i dont know his kind and what to feed him and howe much?

    alas! he dead by over eating.

    by the way.

    I fed him biscuts & water only  : (

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