
I found a baby bird and he is hurt and he can barley walk and i don't know what ti do.?

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I found a baby bird and he is hurt and he can barley walk and i don't know what ti do.?




  1. you probably don't have c age, so....

    put the poor thing in a box, maybe even with a tray of water, give it an hour or so to rest.

    see if it looks any better then.

    you might find it was just extremely tired. and it might fly away.

  2. If the bird is injured it needs to go to a local wildlife rehab (see below) .  If not injured please follow these instuctions:

    If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly.   You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it.  If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest.  Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched.  If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival.  Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own.  Look for a rehab here:

  3. The best thing to do, is put it in a box, with a little tray of water, about an inch deep, with a bunch of cloth, and a little clock that ticks. (reminds the duck of the moms heartbeat.) and just let him rest. I had an egg, and raised it. (also, if you can, put it under a blanket, and then put a loamp over top of him.) Hope this helps!

  4. call an aspca

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